| Table of contents Psicol. caribe vol.41 no.3 Barranquilla Sep./Dec. 2024 Articles | | | | · Validation of the Attitude Scale towards Statistics in Mexican psychology students Juárez Lugo, Carlos Saúl; Robles Acosta, Carlos; Cervantes Luna, Brenda Sarahi
| | | | · Student Movements in the Brazilian School Context and the Perspective of Critical School Psychology: A Systematic Review Republicano, Clarisse Costa; Freitas, Ícaro Pedraça; Rodrigues, Bárbara Delourdes Rosa; Negreiros, Fauston
| | | | · Pedagogical practices, knowledge and institutional conditions in which Colombian teachers work. A study on inclusive education and disability Marulanda, Elena; Collazos Aldana, Jaime
| | | | · Revealing symptoms of the presence of stress reactions in first responders to emergencies in Cali, Colombia. Viera Bravo, Diego Fernando; Diaz-Tamayo, Alejandra Maria; García-Perdomo, Herney Andrés
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