Health Sciences |
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| · Effect of the absence of fetal bovine serum on the morphology and organelles of fibroblast cells Simancas-Escorcia, Víctor; Díaz-Caballero, Antonio
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Social Sciences |
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| · Physics teaching through theater García-García, José Joaquín; Ossa-Montoya, Arley Fabio; Rentería-Rodríguez, Edilma
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Natural Sciences |
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| · Phytoperiphyton associated with lagoons generated by mining, San Juan river basin, Chocó-Colombia Mosquera-Murillo, Zuleyma; Martínez-Cuesta, Lidis María; Murillo-Mosquera, Oneyda; Mosquera-Perea, María Y.
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Case report |
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| · Genetic barcodes implementation in a microbial probiotic. Case report Pulido-Blanco, Víctor Camilo
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Health Sciences |
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| · Heart rate variability in patients with Chagas' heart disease Corredor-Matus, José Ricardo; Riveros-Sanabria, Fernando; Corredor-Mesa, Laura Tatiana
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Agricultural Sciences |
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| · Historical changes in the fishing effort of the parguera fleet of Taganga, Colombian Caribbean Acevedo-Mendivelso, Andrés F.; Cuello, Félix; Altamar, Jairo
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| · Feasibility of the use of fish waste flour in the Cíenaga de Zapatosa, for feeding of broilers Lúquez-Pérez, Latife del Rosario; Hleap-Zapata, José Igor
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| · Performance of the Captain of the Savannah, (Eremophilus mutisii) in early stages of development Moncaleano-Gómez, Erika; Prieto-Mojica, Camilo
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Health Sciences |
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| · Profile of the physical condition of physically active older adult women Fernández-Ortega, Jairo Alejandro; Hoyos-Cuartas, Luz Amelia
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Agricultural Sciences |
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| · Evaluation of sugarcane cultivars (Saccharum spp.) for panela production in the department of Boyacá, Colombia Barona-Rodríguez, Ayda F.; Insuasty-Burbano, Orlando I.; Viveros-Valens, Carlos A.; Ángel-Sánchez, Juan C.; Ramírez-Durán, Julio
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| · Macronutrients in the leaf tissue of basil Ocimum basilicum L. in response to applications of nitrogen and potassium Combatt-Caballero, Enrique; Pérez-Polo, Dairo; Villalba-Arteaga, José; Mercado-Lázaro, Jaime; Jarma-Orozco, Alfredo
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| · Dual purpose farms classify according quality and milk marketing channels on the colombian Caribbean Durán-Rojas, Elvira; Calderón-Rangel, Alfonso; Ramírez-Montoya, Javier
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Technical note |
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| · Measurement of methane emissions in cattle with infrared gas analyzer and gas chromatography Gaviria-Uribe, Xiomara; Chirinda, Ngonidzashe; Barahona-Rosales, Rolando; Bolívar-Vergara, Diana M.; Rosenstock, Todd; Arango, Jacobo
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Agricultural Sciences |
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| · An evaluation of soil physicochemical properties in corn - cotton, and rice production systems at the Sinu Valley in Colombia Contreras-Santos, Jose Luis; Martinez-Atencia, Judith; Cadena-Torres, Jorge; Novoa-Yanez, Rafael-Segundo; Tamara-Morelos, Ricardo
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Natural Sciences |
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| · Description of a new species of the Anastrepha curvicauda species group (Diptera: Tephritidae) Martínez-Alava, Javier O.; Serna, Francisco; Steck, Gary J.; Norrbom, Allen L.; Moore, Matthew R.
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Agricultural Sciences |
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| · Development of an energy drink with passion fruit pulp, aloe vera crystals, panela and antioxidant properties Nieto-Calvache, Jhon Edinson; Suarez-Ramos, Claudia Andrea
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| · Effect of microencapsulated Lactobacillus casei on intestinal health and on biochemical and productive parameters in broiler Jurado-Gámez, Henry; Zambrano-Mora, Edward Johnny
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Natural Sciences |
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| · Fungi detected in insects associated to Espeletia pycnophylla Galíndez-Chicaíza, Eliana; Lagos-Mora, Luz Estela; Castillo-Belalcázar, Guillermo; Salazar-González, Claudia; Betancourth-García, Carlos
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Agricultural Sciences |
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| · Effect of irrigation with treated wastewater on microbiological quality of the soil and King Grass González-Fragozo, Harold E.; Zabaleta-Solano, Carolina; Devia-González, Jessica; Moya-Salinas, Yulieth; Afanador-Rico, Otilia
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| · Light, gibberellins and burial depth affect seed germination of Amaranthus hybridus L. Niño-Hernandez, Juan Camilo; Moreno, David Felipe; Ruiz-Berrío, Hernán David; Balaguera-López, Helber Enrique; Magnitskiy, Stanislav
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Case report |
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| · Characterization of ultrafine particles generated in charcoal street grills in the city of Armenia (Colombia). Case study Gómez, Milena E.; Villamizar, Rafael Humberto; Cremades, Lázaro V.
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Natural Sciences |
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| · Water governance as an integrating framework for the fulfillment of the sustainable development goals clean in Latin America Fernández-Vargas, Gabriel
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| · Territorial management requires coherence. A check in Colombia Posada-Arrubla, Adriana
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Agricultural Sciences |
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| · Effect of supplementation with cottonseed and corn on the productive performance and quality of sheep meat Suárez-Paternina, Emiro; Maza-Angulo, Libardo; Aguayo-Ulloa, Lorena; Vergara-Garay, Oscar; Barragán-Hernández, Wilson; Bustamante-Yánez, Moris
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Natural Sciences |
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| · A review of the genus Microcrambus Błeszyński, 1963 (Lepidoptera, Pyraloidea, Crambinae) in Colombia, with descriptions of two new species Landry, Bernard; Andriollo, Tommy
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| · Enzymatic synthesis of 4-methoxycinnamoylglycerol Uv filter mediated by immobilized-lipase and nanoparticle formation on N-succinylchitosan Escobar, Sindy; Bernal, Claudia; Mesa, Mónica
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| · Displacement of metallic elements in the El Culebrón estuary, due to the presence of an abandoned mining tailings, Coquimbo - Chile Zamarreño, Ricardo; Cabana, Ricardo; Vergara, Karen; Cortez, Susana
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Agricultural Sciences |
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| · Effect of thermophosphate on the growth and production of potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) Torres-Hernandez, David Fernando; Pinzón-Sandoval, Elberth Hernando; Peña-Baracaldo, Fernando Javier; Torres-Rodríguez, Saúl Fernando; Jimenez-Diaz, Diego
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| · Postharvest response of berry fruits (Vaccinium meridionale Swartz) to storage in two types of plastic Peña-Baracaldo, Fernando Javier; Chaparro, Hans Nicolás; Orjuela-Matta, Helber M.; Romero-Guerrero, Gladys
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| · Incubation parameters of the Lactobacillus starter for application in sourdough bread Haro, Luis A.; Minaya, Carmen
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Natural Sciences |
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| · Dynamic modeling of the hydrological behavior of an urban wetland under conditions of ENSO phenomenon García-León, Gisselle; Beltrán-Vargas, Julio; Zafra-Mejía, Carlos
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Agricultural Sciences |
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| · Genetic variability of families of half-sibling of ecuadorian creole melon Cucumis melo var. dudaim (L.) Naudin Espinosa-Carillo, José Francisco; Vallejo-Cabrera, Franco Alirio
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Editorial |
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| · La Universidad ante las tendencias socioeconómicas actuales y los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible Anzola Montero, Germán
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