Research article |
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| · Connectivity between the volatility of green and non-green bond markets with international markets Gálvez-Gamboa, Francisco; Muñoz-Henríquez, Erik; Sánchez-Dávila, Elmer
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Review article |
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| · Service quality in higher education: A systematic literature review, 2007-2023 Toscano-Hernández, Aníbal Enrique; Álvarez-González, Luis Ignacio; Sanzo-Pérez, María José; Esparza Rodríguez, Saúl Alfonso
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| · Factors affecting the creation of university spin-offs: A multilevel analysis from the literature Acosta Medina, Julieth Katherin; Contreras Pacheco, Orlando Enrique; Pedraza Avella, Aura Cecilia
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| · Determinants of non-financial information accountability in universities: The case of Colombia Ceballos-García, Daniel; Calad-Arias, Catherine; Correa-García, Jaime Andrés
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| · Corporate impact of the COVID-19 pandemic: An approximation based on business data from Ecuador Ontaneda Jiménez, Diego Danny; Mendieta Muñoz, Luis Rodrigo; Figueroa Campoverde, David Sebastián; Reino Chérrez, Fabiola Susana
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| · Instrument design and validation to measure corporate entrepreneurship in Costa Rica Bravo Monge, Cris
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Review article |
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| · Subjective well-being, public agenda and better policymaking Martínez, Lina
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Research article |
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| · Sustainable development: An analysis from the food and beverage sector Salazar Duque, Diego; Santamaría, Guido
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| · Human Capital and Degree of Internationalization. An Empirical Study on Costa Rican Companies Sandoval-Álvarez, Carlos; Brenes Araya, Juan Daniel
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| · Impact of inclusion, sensemaking, and intragroup and personal conflicts on strategic commitment Granados Ruíz, Fernando; Llanos, Luis Felipe
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