Editorial |
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| · Declaraciones de asociaciones profesionales en Latinoamérica sobre el cambio climático Medina-Arboleda, Iván Felipe; Páramo, Pablo
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| · ¿La psicología colombiana está afrontando el cambio climático? Reflexiones sobre los retos profesionales ante la urgencia mundial Sierra-Barón, Willian; Millán-Otero, Katy Luz
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Artigos |
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| · Social Skills and Behavioral Problems in Children with a History of Institutionalization and Foster Care Moretti, María Paula; Ibarra Ureta, Nandy Lourdes Edith; Torrecilla, Norma Mariana
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| · Subtle and Overt Homophobia: Mechanisms of Moral Disengagement and Dimensions of Empathy González-Fuentes, José Antonio; Moreno-Manso, Juan Manuel; Guerrero-Molina, Mónica
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| · Evaluation of the psychometric properties of the Satisfaction with Life, Positive and Negative Experience, and Prosperity Scales in a Mexican population Granillo Velasco, Ana Daniela; Zepeda Goncen, Georgina Daniela; Sánchez Aragón, Rozzana
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| · Big Five Inventory Abbreviated from the Item Response Theory Aba, Facundo Juan Pablo; Sánchez González, Juan Franco; Attorresi, Horacio Félix
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| · Comparison of Spaced Retrieval and Fading out Techniques in Teaching Name-Figure Relations to Older People with Dementia Ducatti, Mariana; Schmidt, Andréia
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| · Subjective Well-Being and Drug Use Among Adolescents in Veracruz in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic Cortés Flores, Erika; Arellanez-Hernández, Jorge Luis; Beltrán Guerra, León Felipe
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| · Psychometric Properties and Standardization of the WRAT-4 Mathematical Subtest in Colombian Adolescents Parra Pulido, Javier Humberto
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| · Perception of People in Children Aged 10-12: A Comparison with Other Age Groups Roselli, Néstor Daniel
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| · Efficacy of Interventions to Reduce Anxiety, Depression, and Internet Addiction in Adolescents Addicted to the Internet: A Meta-Analysis Vicente-Escudero, Jose Luis; Melchor-Nicolás, María Andrea
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| · Multidimensional Self-Regulation Battery for Reading Comprehension: Preliminary Evidence for Criterion Validity Satico Ferraz, Adriana; Angeli dos Santos, Acácia Aparecida; Porto Noronha, Ana Paula; Almeida, Leandro S.
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| · What is Polarization in the Social Sciences? A Scoping Review of Reviews Garzón-Velandia, Diana Camila; Barreto-Galeano, María Idaly; Sabucedo-Cameselle, José Manuel
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