Editorial |
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Research |
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| · Optimal Representation of MER Signals Applied to the Identification of Brain StructuresDuring Deep Brain Stimulation Vargas Cardona, Hernán Darío; Álvarez, Mauricio A.; Orozco Gutiérrez, Álvaro
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| · AHP-VIKOR Model for Spectrum Handoff in Cognitive Radio Networks Hernández, César; Páez, Ingrid; Giral, Diego
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| · Physiochemical characterization of quartz in the municipality of La Playa de Belén-North Santander department Hoyos Palacio, Lina Marcela; Espinel Blanco, Edwin; Quintero Martínez, Yeixon
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| · Behavioral analysis of disc brake vehicle from accelerating the process of corrosion García León, Ricardo Andrés; Acosta Pérez, María Angélica; Flórez Solano, Eder
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| · Electromagnetic radiation effects on germination of corn Armesto Arenas, Alexander; Angarita, Wilson; Lobo Jácome, Ramón
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| · Performance of the Saint Venant equations in 1D and approaches to different conditions in steady and variable state Amarís Castro, Gloria Estefany; Guerrero Barbosa, Thomas Edison; Sánchez Ortiz, Edgar Antonio
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| · Products recommendation based on interpretable user profiles Becerra Cortés, Claudia Jeanneth; Jiménez Vargas, Sergio Gonzalo; González, Fabio A.; Gelbukh, Alexander
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| · Data mining applied to demand of air transport in Ocaña, North Santander Rosado Gómez, Alveiro Alonso; Verjel Ibáñez, Alejandra
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| · Problem-Definition-Based Methodology for Pre Formulation of Projects Trejos Buriticá, Omar Iván
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Case Study |
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| · Development of an Algorithm for Humanoid Robot Detection & Command in Gathering Tasks Vargas Torres, Germán Andrés; Castillo Estepa, Ricardo Andrés
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| · Configuration Parameters in Module XBEE-PRO® ZB S2B for Measuring Environmental Variables Vera Romero, Carlos Alberto; Barbosa Jaimes, Jhon Erickson; Pabón González, Diana Carolina
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Review |
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| · Radio spectrum management in Colombia Cadena Muñoz, Ernesto; Eslava Blanco, Hermes Javier; Franco Calderón, José Alejandro
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