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Infect. vol.26 no.3 Bogotá jul./set. 2022

 ·  Pioneer scientists in yellow fever control in Colombia
Gomez Marin, Jorge E.

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 Artigos originais
 ·  Development and implementation of a multiplex PCR for the detection of 4 species of Vibrio
Sánchez, Lizeth Paola; Martínez, Max; León, Tatiana; Cordoba, Tania; Calvo, María; Montaño, Lucy Angeline; Escandon, Patricia; Narvaez, Silvia; Vivas, Janet; Wiesner, Magdalena

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 ·  Use of MAIA® (Medical Artificial Intelligence Aid) platform for adjustment of health services during the pandemy COVID-19 in the department of Magdalena, Colombia
Pino, Luís Eduardo; Mejía, Jorge; Borja, Erick; Largue, Eduardo; Triana, Iván Camilo

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 ·  Perfil clínico y microbiológico de bacteremia primaria por Streptococcus pneumoniae en pacientes pediátricos hospitalizados a la red de atención terciaria Neumocolombia. 2017 - 2019
Sanchez-Marmolejo, S.; Rojas, JP.; Pacheco, R.; Camacho-Moreno, G.; Leal, AL.; Patiño-Niño, J.; Moreno, VM.; Gutiérrez, I.; Beltrán-H, SJ.; Álvarez, M.; Mariño, AC.; Barrero, R.; Espinosa, F.; Arango, C.; Suarez, MA.; Trujillo-H, M.; López-Medina, E.; López, P.; Coronell, W.; Pinzón, H.; Ramos, N.

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 ·  Performance of the Severe Community Acquired Pneumonia (SCAP) Score in the prediction of clinical outcomes in pneumonia
Reyes-Velasco, Luís F.; Bastidas-Goyes, Alirio R.; Leguízamo-Isaza, Juan M.; Urbina-Jaramillo, Daniela; Jaramillo-Sierra, Manuela; Rozo-Prieto, Julián M.; Peñata-Hoyos, Melissa A.; Méndez-Bonilla, Andrés F.; Cepeda-Cortés, Luz A.; Duque-Giraldo, Ana M.; Arjona-Granados, Dayana A.; Leal-Poveda, Nicolás; Quintero-Salgado, Laura M.

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 ·  Invasive pneumococcal disease at the largest pediatric hospital in Quito - Ecuador, from 2014 to 2018
Arnao, Adriana; González, Mabel; Quines, María; Villalba, Ximena; Enriquez, Carolina; Acosta-España, Jaime David; Fornasini, Marco; Baldeón, Manuel

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 ·  Active surveillance of adult healthcare-associated infections in intensive care units: resistance and molecular profile in an upper middle-income country
Ochoa-Diaz, Margarita Maria; Santero-Santurino, Eduardo; Flores-Diaz, Amando; Camacho-Fernández, Eva; Osorio-Cortina, María Paulina; Gómez-Camargo, Doris

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 Guías de práctica clínica
 ·  Clinical Practice Guideline for Surgical antimicrobial prophylaxis
Álvarez-Moreno, Carlos Arturo; Reyes Pabón, Patricia; Remolina, Sergio Andrés; Nocua-Báez, Laura Cristina; Valderrama, Martha Carolina; Guevara, Oscar A.; Junca, Edgar Germán; Zapata, Carlos Manuel; Oñate, José Millán; Torregrosa Almonacid, Lilian; Tafur, Luis Alberto; Velásquez, Oscar Alberto; Leal, Aura Lucia; Bravo, Juan Sebastián; Caycedo, Rubén Ernesto; Peña Valenzuela, Alberto; Rios Dueñas, Edgar Giovanny; Duarte, Hernando Gaitán; Castañeda, David Andrés; Calixto, Luis Fernando; García López, Felipe; Diaz, Jorge Augusto; Mora, Sandra Lucia; Cortés, Jorge Alberto

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 ·  Diagnostic and treatment protocols for sexually transmitted infections, Colombia, 2022
Estrada, Santiago; Escandón, Kevin; Gaviria, Ángela; Mejía, Laura V.; Marín, Jorge I.; Montoya, Daniel; Ochoa-Díaz, Margarita M.; Plata, Juan David; Sánchez, Gloria Inés; Zapata, Juan Pablo

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 ·  Section 1. Colombian consensus on the diagnosis and follow-up of invasive aspergillosis and Aspergillus disease in adu and pediatric patients* From the Colombian Association of Infectious Diseases (ACIN) Mycosis Group, for the Development of the Colombian Consensus on the Management of Invasive Fungal Disease
Rivas-Pinedo, Pilar; Oñate, José M.; Berrio, Indira; Celis, Adriana Marcela; Fernández-Suarez, Hugo; Castañeda-Luquerna, Ximena; Restrepo-Gualteros, Sonia; Camacho-Moreno, Germán; Saavedra-Trujillo, Carlos H.; Enciso-Olivera, Leonardo; Cuervo-Maldonado, Sonia I.; Patiño-Escobar, Bonell; López-Medina, Eduardo; Guevara, Fredy; Gómez-Rincón, Julio C.; Marín-Uribe, Jorge I.; Osorio-Lombana, Juan P.; Patiño-Niño, Jaime; Montufar, Franco; García-Goez, José F; Álvarez-Moreno, Carlos A.; Fernández-Chico, Dinno; Pallares G, Christian

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 ·  Section 2. Colombian consensus for prophylaxis, treatment and prevention of invasive aspergillosis in adult and pediatric patients *From the Colombian Association of Infectious Diseases (ACIN) Mycosis Group, for the Development of the Colombian Consensus on the Management of Invasive Fungal Disease
Oñate, José M.; Rivas-Pinedo, Pilar; Saavedra-Trujillo, Carlos H.; Camacho-Moreno, Germán; Enciso-Olivera, Leonardo; Cuervo-Maldonado, Sonia I.; Patiño-Escobar, Bonell; Osorio-Lombana, Juan P.; Berrio, Indira; Álvarez-Moreno, Carlos A.; Gómez-Rincón, Julio C.; Restrepo-Gualteros, Sonia; Castañeda-Luquerna, Ximena; Guevara, Fredy; Marín-Uribe, Jorge I.; Patiño-Niño, Jaime; García-Goez, José F.; Celis, Adriana Marcela; Montufar, Franco; López-Medina, Eduardo; Fernández-Chico, Dinno; Fernández-Suarez, Hugo; G, Christian Pallares

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 ·  Section 3. Colombian consensus on the diagnosis and treatment of extrapulmonary aspergillosis in adult patients * From the Colombian Association of Infectious Diseases (ACIN) Mycosis Group, for the Development of the Colombian Consensus on the Management of Invasive Fungal Disease
Oñate, José M.; Rivas-Pinedo, Pilar; Castañeda-Luquerna, Ximena; Marín-Uribe, Jorge I.; Berrio, Indira; Fernández-Suarez, Hugo; Osorio-Lombana, Juan P.; Cuervo-Maldonado, Sonia I.; Saavedra-Trujillo, Carlos H.; Celis, Adriana Marcela; Álvarez-Moreno, Carlos A.; Gómez-Rincón, Julio C.; Restrepo-Gualteros, Sonia; Camacho-Moreno, Germán; Enciso-Olivera, Leonardo; Patiño-Escobar, Bonell; Guevara, Fredy; Patiño-Niño, Jaime; Montufar, Franco; López-Medina, Eduardo; Fernández-Chico, Dinno; García-Goez, José F.; G, Christian Pallares

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 ·  Section 4. Colombian consensus on the diagnosis and treatment of chronic, saprophytic and/or allergic syndromes associated with Aspergillus spp. in adult and pediatric patients *From the Colombian Association of Infectious Diseases (ACIN) Mycosis Group, for the Development of the Colombian Consensus on the Management of Invasive Fungal Disease
Oñate-G., José M.; Rivas-Pinedo, Pilar; Restrepo-Gualteros, Sonia; Camacho-Moreno, Germán; Patiño-Niño, Jaime; López-Medina, Eduardo; Berrio, Indira; Marín-Uribe, Jorge I.; Fernández-Suarez, Hugo; Fernández-Chico, Dinno; Cuervo-Maldonado, Sonia I.; Castañeda-Luquerna, Ximena; Saavedra-Trujillo, Carlos H.; Montufar, Franco; Gómez-Rincón, Julio C.; Guevara, Fredy; García-Goez, José F.; Celis, Adriana Marcela; Enciso-Olivera, Leonardo; Patiño-Escobar, Bonell; Osorio-Lombana, Juan P.; Álvarez-Moreno, Carlos A.; Pallares G, Christian

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 Case clinico
 ·  Rapidly progressive dementia by cryptococcal meningitis: A case report
Velasco de Azevedo-Pereira, Annelise; Martínez-Lemus, Juan-Diego; Giraldo-Peñuela, Delia; Hoz, Fabian Cervantes-de la; Zapa-Perez, Neiry; Kreinter-Rosenbaun, Hellen; Jimenez-Monsalve, Claudio Alejandro

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