| Table of contents Rev. salud pública vol.9 no.3 Bogotá JulySep./ 2007 Editorial | | | | · The Colombian Public Health Plan: advances and limitations de la Hoz Restrepo, Fernando
| | | Articles/Research | | | | · Pap test coverage and related factors in Colombia, 2005 Piñeros, Marion; Cendales, Ricardo; Murillo, Raúl; Wiesner, Carolina; Tovar, Sandra
| | | | · Economic impact of neumococcal vaccine on oncological patients Chicaíza-Becerra, Liliana A.; García-Molina, Mario; Ballesteros, Mónica; Gamboa, Oscar; Díaz, Jorge; Vega, Ricardo; de la Hoz, Fernando
| | | | · Developing an interlocution model for the health system based on studying the Colombian Guajira Puerta-Silva, Claudia; VH Dover, Robert
| | | | · Representing cancer in undergraduate medical students: implications for practice and teaching Medina, Ana María
| | | | · Oral health status of adolescents in México City Ortega-Maldonado, Miriam; Mota-Sanhua, Vanesa; López-Vivanco, Juan C
| | | | · Prevalence of and Risk Indicators for Chronic Periodontitis in Males from Campeche, Mexico Minaya-Sánchez, Mirna; Medina-Solís, Carlo E.; Maupomé, Gerardo; Vallejos-Sánchez, Ana A.; Casanova-Rosado, Juan F.; Marquez-Corona, María de L
| | | | · Experts' clinical Diagnosis Test as a Gold Standard for Cephalometric Evaluation of Vertical Facial Excess Yezioro Rubinsky, Salomón; Eslava-Schmalbach, Javier
| | | | · Search for Tuberculosis in patients with the respiratory symptoms in four hospitals of Bogotá D.C. Henao-Riveros, Sandra C; Sierra-Parada, Claudia R; Sánchez-Morales, Edgar A; Saavedra Rodriguez, Alfredo
| | | | · Adenovirus in children under five years of age. Circulation patterns and clinical and epidemiological characteristics in Colombia, 1997-2003 Herrera-Rodríguez, Diana H.; de la Hoz, Fernando; Mariño, Cristina; Ramirez, Eliana; López, Juan D.; Vélez, Consuelo
| | | Cominicaciones breves | | | | · Active search for leprosy and other skin diseases in school children from Agua de Dios, Colombia Rodríguez, Gerzaín; González, Rosalba; Gonzalez, Deysy; Granados, Carolina; Pinto, Rafael; Herrera, Hilda; Gutiérrez, Luisa F; Hernández, Elkin; López, Fernando; Gómez, Yenny
| | | | · Device-associated Infections in a Colombian Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Contreras-Cuellar, Germán A.; Leal-Castro, Aura L; Prieto, Reinaldo; Carvajal-Hermida, Alba L
| | | Nota técnica | | | | · Community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Bogotá, Colombia: Public Health implications Cortes, Jorge Alberto; Gómez, Carlos Andrés; Cuervo, Sonia Isabel; Lucía Leal, Aura; GREBO
| | | Review | | | | · Prognostic factors for schizophrenia during first psychotic episode Cano, Juan F.; Fierro-Urresta, Marco; Vanegas, Claudia R; Alzate, Marcela; Olarte, Ana; Cendales, Ricardo; Córdoba, Rodrigo N.
| | | Caso en salud pública | | | | · Primary osteoarticular tuberculosis: the reappearance of a forgotten pathology Vergara-Amador, Enrique; Galván-Villamarin, Fernando; Piña-Quintero, Marcela
| | | Essay | | | | · Latin-American social protection and development models Mejía-Ortega, Luz M; Franco-Giraldo, Álvaro
| | |