| Table of contents Rev. salud pública vol.11 no.3 Bogotá May/June 2009 Editorial | | | | · An epidemic in times of globalisation Eslava C, Juan Carlos
| | | Articles/Research | | | | · Factors related to using health services in Costa Rica Llanos, Amada A; Morera-Salas, Melvin; Barber-Pérez, Patricia; Hernández, Karla; Xirinach-Salazar, Yanira; Varga, Juan R
| | | | · Professional opinion about hospitalising Latin-American immigrant children in Andalucía, Spain Fernández-Castillo, Antonio; Vílchez-Lara, María J
| | | | · Perceptions of pregnant and postpartum women's feelings about preeclampsia Vasconcelos de Azevedo, Daniela; Pinheiro Fernandes de Araújo, Ana Cristina; Clara Costa, Íris do Céu; Medeiros Júnior, Antônio
| | | | · Effects of differerent types of training and life styles on anthropometric and cardiocirculatory markers in aging Menezes-Cabral, Roberto Luiz; Silva-Dantas, Paulo Moreira; Montenegro-Neto, Asdrúbal Nóbrega; Knackfuss, Maria Irany
| | | | · Tuberculosis Control and the Private Sector in a Low Incidence Setting in Argentina Dato, María I; Imaz, María S
| | | | · Cardiometabolic factors in a comunity located at Valencia city, Venezuela Ruiz-Fernández, Nelina; Espinoza, Milagros; Barrios, Emilia; Reigosa, Aldo
| | | | · Household costs of maintaining and/or abandoning exclusive breastfeeding during the first postpartum month Girón-Vargas, Sandra L; Mateus-Solarte, Julio C; Cabrera-Arana, Gustavo A
| | | | · The gateway to illegal substance use in Colombia: violations of the gateway rule Posada-Villa, Jose A; Herazo, Edwin; Campo-Arias, Adalberto
| | | | · State school children's opinions regarding violence in the media Piedrahita S, Laura E
| | | | · Estimating the morbidity profile amongst Colombian civil aviation personnel Salamanca, María A; Fajardo, Hugo A
| | | | · A study of self-medication in a neighborhood in Bogotá López, José J; Dennis, Rodolfo; Moscoso, Sonia M
| | | | · Temporal prediction of the dengue epidemic in Colombia: the epidemic's probabilistic dynamics Rodríguez, Javier; Correa, Catalina
| | | | · Evaluating the burden of disease caused by human papillomavirus in Bogota de la Hoz-Restrepo, Fernando; Alvis-Guzmán, Nelson; Narváez, Javier; Chocontá-Piraquive, Luz A
| | | | · Sexually-transmitted disease prevalence and the factors associated with it in sexually-exploited children in Bogota, Colombia Pinzón-Rondón, Ángela M; W.W. Ross, Timothy; Botero, Juan C; Baquero-Umaña, Margarita M
| | | | · Seroprevalence of Lyme borreliosis in workers from Cordoba, Colombia Miranda, Jorge; Mattar, Salim; Perdomo, Katya; Palencia, Luis
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