| Table of contents Rev. salud pública vol.20 no.5 Bogotá Oct./Nov. 2018 Articles/Research | | | | · Paternal commitment and its association with health-promoting behaviors Castillo-Carreño, Anabel; Espinoza-Venegas, Maritza; Luengo-Machuca, Luis
| | | | · Mobility and public space: welfare conditions of people who work in Chapinero, Bogotá, Colombia Saldeño-Madero, Yelinca N.; Blanco-Rodríguez, Rosángela A.
| | | | · Design of a performance evaluation instrument for the activities of daily living Neumann-Collyer, Vivian E.; Hernández-Pérez, Karla A.; Pohl-Montt, Pedro Gentoso
| | | | · Fortalezas y fragilidades en la implantación de la prueba rápida para VIH en un centro especializado en Brasil Pizzinato, Adolfo; De Oliveira Machado, Rodrigo; Torres De Carvalho, Fernanda; Nogueira-Freire, Isadora; Bones-Rocha, Kátia
| | | | · Urinary sodium excretion in a young to middle-aged adult urban population: a pilot study in Ecuador Sisa, Ivan; Herrera-Fontana, María; Bovera, María; Palomeque, María; Teran, Enrique
| | | | · Psychosocial determinants associated to work stress pathologies in administrative staff in an EPS of Bogotá Becerra-Ostos, Luisa F.; Quintanilla, Daissy; Vásquez, Ximena A.; Restrepo-Guerrero, Héctor F.
| | | | · Consumption of energy drinks among students of Bogotá, Colombia Fajardo-Bonilla, Esperanza; Méndez-Martínez, Carolina; Ibatá-Bernal, Linda
| | | | · Economic decisions on who to treat when resources are not enough for everyone. Evidence from a Spanish survey Pinho, Micaela; Pinto Borges, Ana
| | | | · Out-of-pocket and catastrophic health expenditure in households of Cartagena, Colombia Alvis-Zakzuk, Jossie; Marrugo-Arnedo, Carlos; Alvis-Zakzuk, Nelson J.; Gómez de la Rosa, Fernando; Florez-Tanus, Álvaro; Moreno-Ruiz, Deicy; Alvis-Guzmán, Nelson
| | | | · Inequity in infant mortality and pediatric services in Bogotá: a new model of analysis for Latin America Barbosa-Ardila, Samuel D.; Hernandéz, Luís J.
| | | | · Physical activity level assessment in university students by direct method García-Puello, Floralinda; Herazo-Beltrán, Yaneth; Vidarte-Claros, Jose A.; García-Jiménez, Rafael; Crissien-Quiroz, Estela
| | | | · Plantain: indicator of hunger and food shortage in families benefiting from food programs in Vigia del Fuerte, Colombia Arboleda-Montoya, Luz M.; Alfonso-Suárez, Roberto
| | | | · Effects of the government's healthy living program on metabolic markers and physical capacity in Chilean women Zavala-Crichton, Juan P.; Yáñez-Sepúlveda, Rodrigo A.; Hernández-García, Nayaded Y.; Barraza-Gómez, Fernando O.; Mahecha-Matsudo, Sandra M.
| | | | · Lipid peroxidation in pubescent adolescents Acosta-García, Edgar; Carias, Diamela; Páez, María; Naddaf, Gloria; Domínguez, Zury
| | | Review | | | | · Dimensions for measuring patient satisfaction in urgent care centers Arteta-Poveda, Luis E.; Palacio-Salgar, Katherine
| | | Case report | | | | · HDR syndrome in a Colombian woman with a genital tract malformation: First case report in Latin America Vallejo-Urrego, Michael A.; Parra-Morales, Alejandra M.; González, Adriana
| | | Essay | | | | · Bioethics related to the use of sports in public health promoting policies Soto-Lagos, Rodrigo A.
| | | | · Improving the well-being of hospitalized children, a health need Cruz-Martin, Omar; Hernández-Meléndrez, Digna Edelsys; Pérez-Inerárity, Maydell
| | | | · Health policies, a transdisciplinary field of study Ortega Bolaños, Jesús A.
| | | | · Quality of healthcare directed to people with spinal cord injury according to Colombian regulations Burbano-López, Consuelo; Ramírez, Juan D.; Vinasco, Yamith S.
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