| Table of contents Rev. salud pública vol.21 no.2 Bogotá Jan./Apr. 2019 Articles/Research | | | | · Perception of happiness associated to family life in Bogotá- Colombia González-Quiñones, Juan C.; Restrepo-Chavarriaga, Guillermo; Pinzón-Ramírez, Jenny A.; Mejía de Díaz, María A.; Ayala-Méndez, Camilo
| | | | · Validation of Nowack's Stress Profile in Mexican university students De la Roca-Chiapas, José María; Reyes-Pérez, Verónica; Huerta-Lépez, Eduardo; Acosta-Gómez, María G.; Nowack, Kenneth; Colunga-Rodriguez, Cecilia
| | | | · Social determinants of health, family overload and quality of life in family caregivers of cancer patients receiving palliative care Toffoletto, Maria C.; Reynaldos-Grandón, Katiuska L.
| | | | · Analysis of cervical cancer mortality rate trends in Natal-RN, Brazil, between 2000 and 2012 Medeiros de Azevedo, Paulo R.; Rocha, Joyce; Araújo de Medeiros Fernandes, Thales A.; Veríssimo-Fernandes, José
| | | | · Comparative analysis of context factors for the accreditation of public and private hospitals in Colombia Zapata-Vanegas, Mario A.
| | | | · Analysis of needs and use of mental healthcare services in Colombia Zamora-Rondón, Diana C.; Suárez-Acevedo, Daniel; Bernal-Acevedo, Oscar
| | | | · Psychosocial profile of Mexican elders hospitalized for fall-related hip fracture Gardea-Reséndez, Manuel; Kawas-Valle, Omar; Peña-Martínez, Víctor M.; Barragán-Rodríguez, Andrés
| | | | · Falls in older adults: predictors and space distribution De Sousa-Araújo, Ingrid V.; Cândida.-Gomes, Nayara; Santos-Nascimento, Janaína; Neves Romanato Ribeiro, Camila Cristina; dos Santos Tavares, Darlene Mara
| | | | · Verifying the attenuation levels of earmuff hearing protectors in Oil & Gas workers Upegui-Rincon, Sildrey; Araque-Muñoz, Luis; Lizarazo-Salcedo, Cesar; Berrio-Garcia, Shyrle; Guarguati-Ariza, Juliana
| | | | · Changes in prevalence of knowledge, attitudes and practices of sexuality in teenage students, Bogotá, 2011-2015 González-Quiñones, Juan C.; Hernández-Pardo, Ángela M.; Salamanca-Preciado, Jenny P.; Guzmán-Castillo, Karol A.; Quiroz Rivera, Ruth M.
| | | | · Clinical-epidemiological profile of orofacial fissures in a reference center from northeast Brazil Rios Moura, Jamille; Eufrázio do Nascimento Andrade, Ana Paula; Lima da Silva, Carlos Alberto; De Andrade Santos, Pedro Paulo; Souza Freitas, Valéria; Costa das Mercês, Eduardo
| | | | · Respiratory disease associated with environmental and health factors in three villages from Guarne, Colombia, 2015 Fabra-Arrieta, Julio C.; Mejia-Toro, Wilber A.
| | | | · Intestinal parasitosis, undernutrition and socio-environmental factors in schoolchildren from Clorinda Formosa, Argentina Zonta, María L.; Cociancic, Paola; Oyhenart, Evelia E.; Navone, Graciela T.
| | | | · Effect of quinoa extract consumption on iron deficiency-induced anemia in mice Amaro-Terrazos, Jony Z.; Iparraguirre, María E.; Jiménez-Soria, Ana
| | | | · Social image of physiotherapist in primary health care: A Chilean experience Reyes-Reyes, Priscila; Barría-Pailaquilén, Mauricio
| | | | · Approach to the relationship between malaria and the coca economy in Guaviare, Colombia, 1979-1989 Gómez-López, Natalia; Knudson-Ospina, Rubiela A.; López-Páez, Myriam C.
| | | | · Jivi indigenous peoples: family functioning and health care, an analysis from Community Health Nursing practices Medina-Maldonado, Venus; Zerpa, Yeigre; Torres-Torres, Lydia; Navarro de Sáez, María; Urgilés, Patricia; Figueredo, Henry
| | | | · Mexican pregnant women's environment, knowledge and attitudes on prenatal care Mota-Sanhua, Vanessa; Suárez-Hesketh, Casilda I.; Velázquez-Hernández, Blanca; Ruiz-Speare, Octavio
| | | | · Corrected motor development in a retrospective cohort of Colombian children of up to one year of age according to the Alberta Infant Motor Scale Valencia-Valencia, Doris; Vega-Vargas, Edwin A.; Benavides-Núñez, Rodrigo
| | | Review | | | | · Polypharmacy in older adults and impact on their quality of life. Literature review Sánchez-Rodríguez, José R.; Escare-Oviedo, Camila A.; Castro-Olivares, Valeria E.; Robles-Molina, Cynthia R.; Vergara-Martínez, Marcelo I.; Jara-Castillo, Catherine T.
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