| Table of contents Rev. salud pública vol.23 no.2 Bogotá Mar./Apr. 2021 Articles/Research | | | | · Combined methods for increasing the shelf life of coconut water obtained from the non-established commerce of Puebla City, Mexico Cabrera-Trejo, Yosselin A.; Cid-Pérez, Teresa S.; Hernández-Carranza, Paola; Ruiz-López, Irving I.; Ochoa-Velasco, Carlos E.
| | | | · Quality of life and radiological injuries in patients with sensitive tuberculosis in Cono Norte, Lima, Perú Reynoso-Guerrero, Pamela; Llanos-Tejada, Félix K.; Cruz-Vargas, Jhony De la
| | | | · Labor productivity losses associated with road traffic injury fatalities: Provincial estimates of Ecuador Gómez-García, Antonio R.; Herrera-Vinelli, Irena P.; Arias-Ulloa, Christian A.; Jara-Costales, Juan
| | | | · Mercury concentrations in tuna commercialized in Montería, Colombia: evaluation of health risk Lombana-Gómez, Mauro; Lans-Ceballos, Edineldo; Pinedo-Hernández, José
| | | | · Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine in Brazil: a case of inefficacy in public health management Souza, Diego de Oliveira
| | | | · Association of grip strength with cardiovascular risk in sedentary workers Sánchez-Montoya, Lida J.; Benavides-Cordoba, Vicente; Palacios-Gómez, Mauricio
| | | | · Prevalence of depression in older adults living in Ecuador and contributing factors: a population-based study Sisa, Ivan; Vega, Ricardo
| | | | · Transperiferism, Necropolitics and social suffering. Experimental ethnography on the living conditions of Venezuelan immigrants in the Colombian Caribbean Alvarez-Alvarez, William A.; Romero-Tenorio, José M.; Villadiego-Alvarez, Paulo
| | | | · Validation of an instrument for assessing adolescent counseling differentiated in a health center Vanegas-López, Jairo; Pastorino, María Sol; Vásquez, Fabián; Ramírez, Lorena
| | | | · User profile and waiting time for public endodontic treatment in a Brazilian municipality Alberton, Carlla Sloane; Miró, Gabriela Behne; Dias Morais, Nathaly; Rocha, Juliana Schaia; Pizzatto, Eduardo; Leão-Gabardo, Marilisa Carneiro
| | | | · Knowledge, perceptions and use of food and beverage labeling in a group of adolescents in Argentina Noguera, Milena D.; Moyano, Daniela
| | | Essay | | | | · Colombian Health System and the recognition of Alzheimer's disease Romero-Vanegas, Sara J.; Vargas-González, Juan C.; Pardo, Rodrigo; Eslava-Schmalbach, Javier; Moreno-Angarita, Marisol
| | | | · COVID-19: a biopsychosocial and cultural perspective Arias-Ortiz, Wanderley A.; Muñoz-Muñoz, Stephany S.
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