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Psicogente vol.25 no.48 Barranquilla jul./dez. 2022

Design and validation of an instrument to assess academic engagement in Mexican university students
Mora-Romo, José F.; Martell-Muñoz, Juan

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Distorções cognitivas de vitimizadores sexuais de crianças e adolescentes: associações com experiências na família de origem, esquemas inicias desadaptativos, autoestima e autoeficácia
Velásquez Marafiga, Caroline; Ferraz Neis, Letícia; Falcke, Denise

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Self-deprecation: Searching for a Measure
Silva Santos, Isabella L.; Pimentell, Carlos Eduardo; Mariano, Tailson Evangelista

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Risk of suicide in schooled adolescents
Ursul, Anabella; Herrera Guerra, Eugenia; Galván Patrignani, Gonzalo

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 Artículo de Revisión
 ·  Psychosocial risk factors that influence suicidal behavior in people deprived of liberty in Colombia
Correa-López, Rolan A.; Rodríguez-Ruiz, Karen-Alejandra; Aparicio-Mojica, Laura-Natalia; Guerra-Domínguez, Juan-Carlos

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Suicidal risk and strategies for coping with stress in Colombian rural population
Quiceno, Japcy Margarita; Gómez, Alejandra; Herrera, Silvia Franchesca; Vélez, Ana María; Vinaccia, Stefano; Bahamon, Marly Johana

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Education of Students with Special Educational Needs in Pandemic. Mothers and fathers’ perspectives
García-Cedillo, Ismael; Márquez Cabellos, Norma Guadalupe; Rubio Rodríguez, Silviana; Saldívar Reyes, Andrea; Romero-Contreras, Silvia

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 Artículo de Revisión
 ·  Sexual behavior in Ibero-American Youth: Review study
Aguirre Rivera, Juan Camilo; Restrepo Soto, Jaime Alberto

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Effect of Student Debt on Mental Health and Subjective Well-being on Chilean University Students
Sepúlveda Maldonado, José Andrés; Denegri Coria, Marianela del Carmen; Echeverría Gatica, Perla Andrea; Jurghen Reumay, Elías Alejandro; Paillao Jiménez, Hugo Rodrigo

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 Artículo de Revisión
 ·  The Effect of moral disengagement on bullying, cyberbullying, and other disruptive behaviors in children and adolescents. A review of the literatura
Gómez-Tabares, Anyerson Stiths; Correa Duque, María Cristina

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