| Table of contents Biota colombiana vol.23 no.2 Bogotá July/Dec. 2022 Articles | | | | · Spatial distribution and conservation of freshwater crabs (Decapoda: Pseudothelphusidae) in Caldas, Colombia Rivera-Pérez, Juan Mateo; Llano Arias, Camilo Andrés; Guevara, Giovany
| | | | · Generic richness and distribution of efemerópteros (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) from Chocó Limnological Collection Mosquera Murillo, Zuleyma; Córdoba Aragón, Karen Everni; Mosquera Mosquera, Mairin Minerva
| | | | · Nuevos registros de especies en Acanthagrion, Nehalennia y Perilestes (Odonata: Zygoptera) para Colombia Álvarez-Álvarez, Karen Lineke; Bota-Sierra, Cornelio Andrés; Vásquez-Ramos, Jesús Manuel
| | | | · Mammals of the Department of Sucre, Colombia Chacón-Pacheco, Julio J.; Salcedo-Rivera, Gerson A.; Zárrate-Charry, Diego A.
| | | | · Functional traits relationships of plants in secondary forests andean of the Eastern Cordillera, Colombia López Herrera, Luis Gabriel
| | | | · Plant, bird, and mammal diversity of the Tomogrande field station, Vichada, Colombia Estrada-Villegas, Sergio; Rivas, Luz Dary; Barrera, John Fredy; Barrera Rivas, Steven; Correa, Diego F; Argüello Bernal, Laura Sofía; Aldana, Ana María; Casa, Luisa Fernanda; Lozano-Balcázar, Alejandro; Gómez-Bahamón, Valentina; Gómez, Camila; Bayly, Nicholas; Jahn, Alex E; Quiñones, Antonio; Corbett, Eamon C; Castro, Francisco; Stevenson, Pablo
| | | | · Richness and health status of the Ecuadorian National Institute of Biodiversity’s ornithological collection Garzón Santomaro, César Leonardo; Proaño-Bolaños, Cecilia; Cadena-Ortiz, Héctor; Pozo-Zamora, Glenda
| | | Notes and comments | | | | · Fish rescue downstream of Porce III dam (Colombia) to reduce their mortality Restrepo-Santamaría, Daniel; Valencia-Rodríguez, Daniel; Galeano, Andrés Felipe; Herrera-Pérez, Juliana; Jiménez-Segura, Luz
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