| Table of contents Univ. Salud vol.23 no.3 Pasto Sep./Dec. 2021 Letters to the Editor | | | | · ¿Jugando con el tiempo? Seguridad de la ampliación del intervalo entre dosis de la vacuna Pfizer (BNT162b2). El caso de Colombia Pérez-Anaya, Oskarly; Hernández-Blanco, Javier; Correa-Palacio, Juan Carlos de Jesús
| | | Original article | | | | · Factors associated with low birth weight at a university hospital from the department of Nariño (Colombia) Pabón-Salazar, Yusley Katerine; Eraso-Revelo, Jenny Patricia; Bergonzoli-Pelaez, Gustavo; Mera-Mamián, Andry Yasmid
| | | | · Levels of physical activity and time spending in front of screens in schoolchildren: differences in age and gender Portela-García, Cristina Andrea; Vidarte-Claros, Armando
| | | | · Family cohesion and related factors in school adolescents Gómez-Velásquez, Santiago; Matagira-Rondón, Giselly; Agudelo-Cifuentes, Maite Catalina; Berbesi-Fernández, Dedsy Yajaira; Morales-Mesa, Santiago Alberto
| | | | · Psychological well-being and coping strategies in dealing with COVID-19 in university students Narváez, Jonnathan Harvey; Obando-Guerrero, Lina María; Hernández-Ordoñez, Karen Melisa; Cruz-Gordon, Eliana Katherine De la
| | | | · Intra-gender violence in homosexual university students from Bucaramanga, Colombia Redondo-Pacheco, Jesús; Rey-García, Pilar Alejandra; Ibarra-Mojica, Angela Nathalia; Luzardo-Briceño, Marianela
| | | | · Meaning of caregiving in relationships of people living with HIV/AIDS Ventura-Elías, Celina Dolores; González-Ortega, Yariela; Chaparro-Diaz, Lorena
| | | | · Quality of life, Burnout and health indicators in nurses who work in rotating shifts Vásquez-Yañez, José; Guzmán-Muñoz, Eduardo
| | | | · Prevalence of low levels of Vitamin D in patients with osteopenia and osteoporosis. Popayán, Colombia García-Giraldo, Ana María; Vargas-Uricoechea, Hernando; Potosí-García, Jorge Andrés; Santiago-Ausecha, Daniel Ricardo
| | | | · Hip adductor moment during gait in asymptomatic older adults Vélez-Uribe, José David; Mejía-Uñates, Ana María; Piedrahita-Roldan, Sara Teresa; Ramírez-Estrada, Tatiana; Gómez-Suarez, Nicolás Eugenio; Duque-Ramirez, José Ricardo
| | | | · Physical activity level, sociodemographic and family aspects, healthy habits and health care for older adults Hernández-Carrillo, Mauricio; Quiroz-Mora, Carlos Andrés; Betancourt-Peña, Jhonatan
| | | Family and empowerment. A review of dengue from a social point of view Valencia-Jiménez, Nydia Nina; Rodríguez-Triana, Zulema Elisa; Vélez-Álvarez, Consuelo
| | | Short article | | | | · Heart rate variability in cardiac rhythm and anthropometric indices in university males of Santiago de Chile Urbano-Cerda, Sebastián; Fuentes-Barría, Héctor; Vera-Aguirre, Valentina; González-Wong, Catalina; Aguilera-Eguía, Raúl
| | | Reflection article | | | | · Oral health between systemic health and public health Franco-Giraldo, Álvaro
| | | Case report | | | | · A centenarian institutionalized patient who recovered from COVID-19 and developed immunity: A case study Zambrano-Urbano, José Leonel; Buitrago-Gómez, Nathalia; Muñoz-Realpe, Juan Felipe; Ocampo-Chaparro, Jose Mauricio; Reyes-Ortiz, Carlos Alfonso
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