| Table of contents Investig. andina vol.15 no.26 Pereira Apr. 2013 Editorial | | | | · Responsabilidad social en la investigación aplicada
| | | Articles for scientific and technological research | | | | · Health conditions and work of the informal working population in displacement Bucaramanga, Colombia Ardila Jaimes, Claudia Patricia; Rodríguez Amaya, Reynaldo Mauricio
| | | | · HIV knowledge and behaviors in sexual and reproductive health in an indigenous community of Antioquia Zambrano, Renato; Castro, Diana; Lozano, Mauricio; Gómez, Natalia; Rojas, Carlos
| | | | · Risk factors related to underachievement in school-aged children in Bogotá Enríquez Guerrero, Carolina Lucero; Segura Cardona, Ángela María; Tovar Cuevas, José Rafael
| | | | · Self-care capacity of diabetic patients attending to external consultation. Sincelejo, Colombia Contreras Orozco, Astrid; Contreras Machado, Adriana; Hernández Bohórquez, Candelaria; Castro Balmaceda, María Teresa; Navarro Palmett, Linda Lucía
| | | | · Development of an organic scaffold as an estructural component of a colombian tricalcium phosphate (ctcp) Chitiva, María; Sánchez, Sergio; Correa, Giovanni; Tovar, María; Daza, Jesús
| | | | · Diagnosis Long-chain hydroxy acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency, by fibroblasts incubation with [9, 10)(N)-3H] palmitic and [9,10)(N)-3H] miristic acids Osorio, José Henry
| | | Reflection articles | | | | · The damage resulting from a breach of duty to seek informed consent from the patient Giraldo Gómez, Luis Felipe
| | | Case report | | | | · Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria: case report Mondragón-Cardona, Álvaro; Rojas-Mirquez, Johana; Jiménez-Canizales, Carlos Eduardo; Umaña-Giraldo, Héctor Jairo
| | | Fe de erratas | | | | | | |