| Table of contents Actu Biol vol.42 no.112 Medellín Jan./June 2020 Research articles | | | | · Diversity and ecology of non-volant mammals associated to a cacao agro-productive system, Granja Yariguíes, Santander, Colombia López-Ramírez, Carlos; Restrepo-Quiroz, Tatiana; Solari, Sergio
| | | | · Conservation status and distribution of the freshwater Catfish Eremophilus mutisii (Trichomycteridae) in Cundinamarca, Colombia Lemus-Portillo, Ciromar; Echavarria-Pedraza, Monika C.; Rojas, Jhon E.; Alvarez-Diaz, Jimmy E.; León-Pardo, Kelly J.; Aguilar-Orjuela, K. Samantha; Maldonado, Jhonathan F.
| | | | · Primates in the biological collections of Antioquia: Status and research potential García-R, Sebastián
| | | Short note | | | | · First record of predation on Rhinella diptycha (Anura, Bufonidae) by Caiman latirostris (Crocodylia, Alligatoridae) Peixoto-Couto, Rodney Murillo; Cabrera-Miguel, Maiara; Ortega, Zaida
| | | Research articles | | | | · Differential expression of LRBA protein in human naive and memory B lymphocytes Madrid, Melissa; Restrepo, Paula A.; Trujillo-Vargas, Claudia M.
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