| Table of contents Caldasia vol.44 no.2 Bogotá May/Aug. 2022 Botánica | | | | · Viability and germination of seeds of four endangered species of cacti Manzo Rodriguez, Sinai Mariana; González Rosas, Héctor; Garcia de los Santos, Gabino; Garcia-Moya, Edmundo; Espinosa-Hernández, Vicente; Corona Torres, Tarsicio; Robledo-Paz, Alejandrina
| | | | · Evaluation of the germination of iraca palm seeds (Carludovica palmata) under in vitro and ex vitro conditions Zambrano-Arteaga, Juan C.; Hoyos-Sánchez, Rodrigo A.; Chicaiza-Finley, Diego
| | | | · Morphology of Fruit and Seed, and Pregerminative Treatments of Annona reticulata Vargas-Simón, Georgina; López-Méndez, Deyanira; Pire, Reinaldo
| | | | · GA3 treatments on seed germination in Rhodothamnus sessilifolius, an endangered species in Turkey Yildirirm, Nebahat; Pulatkan, Müberra; Ercan-O, Gülcay
| | | | · Taxonomy, distribution, and conservation status of Geonoma (Arecaceae, Arecoideae): new records for the Maranhão state, Brazil Pereira Lima, Gustavo; Wagner Coelho Ferreira, Alessandra; Bezerra de Almeida Jr, Eduardo
| | | | · Floristic novelties for the Sanctuary of Fauna and Flora of Iguaque and its areas of influence as the sole protected area of the Ricaurte province (Boyacá, Colombia) González, Favio; Pabón-Mora, Natalia
| | | | · The tribe Justicieae (Acanthaceae) in the Eastern region of Northeastern Brazil Alcantara, Camila; Alves, Marccus
| | | Zoología | | | | · The courtship call of Bokermannohyla ibitiguara (Anura: Hylidae) and details of its mating behavior Nali, Renato С.; Turin, Rubens A. F.; Prado, Cynthia P.A.
| | | | · New records and range expansion of Norops sagrei (Squamata: Dactyloidae) in Honduras highlight the importance of citizen science in documenting non-native species Antúnez-Fonseca, Cristopher A.; Hofmann, Erich P.; Reyes-Barahona, Andres A.; Ordoñez-Mazier, Diego I.; Dubón, Francisco J.; Reyes, Héctor D.; Townsend, Josiah H.
| | | Conservation | | | | · Successional forests in Colombia: an opportunity for recovery of transformed landscapes Hurtado-M, Ana Belén; Muñoz, Juan Camilo; Echeverry-Galvis, María Ángela; Norden, Natalia
| | | | · Amazonian indigenous territories as reservoirs of biodiversity: The army ants of Santa Sofia (Amazonas - Colombia) Sanabria, Catalina; Achury, Rafael
| | | | · Fish inventories in the Magdalena River basin (Colombia) as a tool for their conservation management Restrepo-Santamaria, Daniel; Herrera-Pérez, Juliana; Muñoz-Duque, Sebastian; Ospina-Pabón, Juan Guillermo; Londoño, Juan Pablo; Loaiza-Santana, Carlos Alejandro; Álvarez-Bustamante, Jonathan; Valencia-Rodríguez, Daniel; Jiménez-Segura, Luz
| | | | · Identification and prioritization of native plant species for the restoration of eroded beaches and dunes in Colombia Dussan-Arquez, Margarita Rosa; Rodríguez-Rodríguez, Jenny Alexandra
| | | | · Forest fire risk assessment in the Santuario de Fauna y Flora Iguaque (Boyacá, Colombia) Martelo-Jiménez, Nicolás; Vargas Ríos, Orlando
| | | Ecología | | | | · Diet analysis and temporary variation of bat mutualistic networks in the northeast Colombian Amazonia Carrillo-Villamizar, Jennifer Zilenthsjigh; Jiménez-Ramírez, Juan Sebastian; López-Arévalo, Hugo Fernando
| | | | · Human density and sampling time explain in the brazilian biomes richness of anurans in the brazilian biomes dos Santos Protázio, Arielson; Costa Conceição, Lennise; dos Santos Protázio, Airan
| | | | · Assessment of a riparian forest by applying the forest quality index (QBR) for its adaptation in tropical areas of Mexico Moreno-Jiménez, Victorio; Gama-Campillo, Lilia M.; Ochoa-Gaona, Susana; Contreras-Sánchez, Wilfrido M.; Mata-Zayas, Ena E.; C.Jiménez-Pérez, Nelly del; los-Lázaro, Abisag A. Áva
| | | | · Characteristics, natural history, and applications of Hydrocharis laevigata: A review Ruiz-Merino, Maybe; Campos-Cuéllar, Rebeca; Germán-Gómez, Arianne; Aponte, Héctor
| | | | · Assemblages of fishes in highland Andean reservoirs: The case of the Quebradona and Riogrande II reservoirs in the Magdalena basin Martínez-Toro, Lina María; Restrepo-Santamaría, Daniel; Valencia-Rodríguez, Daniel; Jiménez-Segura, Luz Fernanda
| | | Notas breves | | | | · Notes on the floral sexuality of some species of the tree genus Triplaris (Polygonaceae) Koenemann, Daniel Mark
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