Contexts |
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| · Revealing the diversity of research in creative fields through the Revista de Arquitectura (Bogotá) Suescún-Monroy, Pilar; Cereghino-Fedrigo, Anna Maria
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| · Sustainable construction in the field of higher education in Medellín, Colombia. The case of earth construction Yepes González, Ana María; Bedoya Montoya, Carlos Mauricio
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| · Recovery of urban areas for recreation use with light roof designs Morales-Guzmán, Carlos César
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| · The profile of the buyer in front of a sustainable housing: descriptive study Herrera-González, Daniel; Arias-Valencia, Santiago
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| · Ramp design in the architecture of Vilanova Artigas Tagliari, Ana; Florio, Wilson
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| · Positional accuracy in close-range photogrammetry through Topography and Geodesy Nero, Marcelo Antonio; Rocha, André Pinto; Mamede, Clayton Guerra; Schuler., Carlos Alberto Borba; Temba, Plínio da Costa; Reinoso-Gordo, Juan Francisco
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| · Socioeconomic residential segregation in Latin America. A critical view of the concept Galván-Farías, Abel Giovani; Torre, Marina I. De la
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| · Thermal stability of a centenary Sillar building (ignimbrita) in a cold desert climate. Goyeneche Hospital Zúñiga Hernández, José Andrew; Zavala-Ñahui, Betsabé-Shirley; Mamani-Mendoza, Rocio Arcelia; Esquivel-Meza, Erika
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| · The perception of construction professionals on sustainable building issues in Mexico and Chile Ramírez-Mancilla, Luis Alejandro; Calderón-Salinas, José Víctor; Matsumoto-Kuwabara, Yasuhiro
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| · Strategies for teaching architecture design: between traditional and collaborative Bustamante-Parra, Diana María; Cardona-Rodríguez, Natalia
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| · Neuroarchitecture and Design in Home Office: Guidelines for Projects and Workspace Adaptations Vizioli Libório, Flávia Heloisa; Bortoleto, Ludmila Araújo; Inglesis Barcellos, Ekaterina Emmanuil; Botura Jr, Galdenoro
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| · Methodology for the re-signification of urban memory in edge territories. Urban Krono Morphosis through the revision of historical phenomena Sánchez-Alzate, Jonathan; Aguilera-Martínez, Fabián Adolfo
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| · The pathological study in times of BIM: from theory to practice Chica-Segovia, Angélica; León, Carlos Alberto; Patiño-León, Liliana Rocío
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| · Integrating proposal for the education on the University Cultural Heritage. The Cujae experience Portero-Ricol, Ada-Esther; Cristobal-Fariñas, Mirelle; Machado-Jardo, Ricardo
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| · Inhabitant, environment and society: experiences of an integral design model Díaz-Macías, Brenda Estefanía; López-León, Ricardo
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