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Ecos de Economía
versão impressa ISSN 1657-4206


ecos.econ. vol.18 no.39 Medellín jul./dez. 2014

 Artigo de pesquisa
 ·  Alcohol Consumption in Family Budgets: Effects of Purchasing Power and Households Demographic Composition
García Arancibia, Rodrigo

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 ·  The Rational Expectations Hypothesis: An assessment on its real world application
Tobón, Santiago

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 ·  Real Options Valuation Based on Certainty Equivalents
Maya Ochoa, Cecilia; Pareja Vasseur, Julián

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 ·  The Transportation Logistics of Manufactured Products in the Colombian Internal Market
Castro Escobar, Edisson

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 ·  Demographic Change, Economic Conditions, and the Murder Rate: The Case of the Colombia, 1990 to 2013
Sandoval, Luis Eduardo

        · resumo em Espanhol | Inglês     · texto em Espanhol     · Espanhol ( pdf )
 ·  Potential local productive districts in Bogotá
Amézquita, Laura; Palencia Pérez, Armando

        · resumo em Espanhol | Inglês     · texto em Espanhol     · Espanhol ( pdf )
 ·  Capital budgeting practices: Empirical evaluation of company practices in the construction sector in Colombia
Ochoa Yepes, Julián; Mora Cuartas, Andrés Mauricio

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 ·  ECAES, SaberPro, and the History of Economic Thought at EAFIT
Meardon, Stephen

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