Editorial |
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| · The Family as a Care Subject Pérez Giraldo, Beatriz
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Articles |
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| · Meanings During the Postpartum Period: From Practices and Cultural Beliefs Prieto B., Brigitte M.; Ruiz, Carmen Helena
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| · How Women who Had Postpartum Hemorrhage (PPH) Describe the Nursing Care Álvarez-Franco, Claudia Cecilia
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| · ICT as a Social Support Mechanism for Family Caregivers of People with Chronic Illness: a Case Study Chaparro-Díaz, Lorena
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| · The Experiences of Older People Living in Nursing Homes: the Theory of "Exchange Dyads" Blanca-Gutiérrez, Joaquín Jesús; Grande-Gascón, María Luisa; Linares-Abad, Manuel
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| · Analyzing "Decision to Change" in Order to Improve Health Care Behavior in Adult Chronic Disease: "decisão de mudança"para melhorar as condutas de saúde no contexto das doenças crônicas em adultos Landeros-Olvera, Erick; Benavides, Raquel; Keville; Martínez-Reyes, María del Carmen; Celis-García, Marisol
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| · The Alien Child: The Experience of Mothers of Hospitalized Premature Children Ocampo, Melva Patricia
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| · Revealing the Meaning of the Mourning Process of Pediatric Nurses Facing the Death of Cancer Patients Vega-Vega, Paula; González-Rodríguez, Rina; Palma-Torres, Chery; Ahumada-Jarufe, Eugenia; Mandiola-Bonilla, Javiera; Oyarzún-Díaz, Claudia; Rivera-Martínez, Soledad
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| · Policies, Management and Innovation Research Groups for Nursing Excellence Lorenzini Erdmann, Alacoque; Guedes dos Santos, José Luis; Klock, Patrícia; Soder, Rafael Marcelo; Marcon Dal Sasso, Grace Teresinha; Erdmann, Rolf Hermann
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| · Semantic Adaptation for Spanish Version of the Scale of Professional Care (SPC) Posada-Morales, María Neyfeth; Ruiz, Carmen Helena
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| · Influence of the Regulatory Framework for Pharmaceuticals in Public Health Analysis from Colombia's ratification of the Agreement on Intellectual Property Rights Trade-Related (TRIPS) and the Free Trade Agreements with the United States and the European Union Jiménez-Valderrama, Fernando
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