Editorial |
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| · Citation and Dynamics of Scientific Communication López López, Wilson
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Original contributions |
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| · The Study of Faculty Productivity through Confirmatory Factor Analysis: the case of Psychology in United States of America GARCÍA-CEPERO, MARÍA CARIDAD
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| · Internationality of the Multidisciplinary Psychology Journals Published in Ibero-America and Included in the Web Of Science ZYCH, IZABELA; BUELA-CASAL, GUALBERTO
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| · Forgiveness and Conflict Resolution in Close Relationships: Within and Cross Partner Effects GIORGIA PALEARI, E; REGALIA, CAMILLO; FINCHAM, FRANK D
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| · Why do People With and Without Power Succeed or Fail? Power and Control Attributions MARTÍNEZ-GUTIÉRREZ, ROCÍO; RODRÍGUEZ-BAILÓN, ROSA; MOYA, MIGUEL
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| · Assessment the explanatory power of clandestine social networks graphs with UciNet and NetDraw TRUJILLO, HUMBERTO M; MAÑAS, FERNANDO M; GONZÁLEZ-CABRERA, JOAQUÍN
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| · The Impact of National Culture on the Organizational Culture OMAR, ALICIA; URTEAGA, ALICIA FLORENCIA
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| · Critical Discourse Analysis as a Tool in Psychosocial Research on the World Of Work. Discussions from Latin America STECHER, ANTONIO
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| · Motivational Profiles and Differences in Affective, Motivational and Achievement Variables VALLE ARIAS, ANTONIO; RODRÍGUEZ RAMÓN G., SUSANA; NÚÑEZ PÉREZ, CABANACH JOSÉ CARLOS; GONZÁLEZ PIENDA, JULIO ANTONIO; ROSARIO, PEDRO
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| · Peer Tutoring: Developing Writing in College Educatio ALZATE-MEDINA, GLORIA MERCEDES; PEÑA-BORRERO, LUIS BERNARDO
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| · Scale of Ways of Coping: Theoretical and Methodological Considerations NAVA-QUIROZ, CARLOS; VEGA-VALERO, CYNTHIA ZAIRA; SORIA TRUJANO, ROCÍO
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| · The Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory: First Results of the Reliability and Structural Validity in Chilean Adolescents OLIVARES, JOSÉ; VERA-VILLARROEL, PABLO; ROSA-ALCÁZAR, ANA I.; KUHNEV, WALTER; MONTESINOS, LUIS; LÓPEZ-PINA, JOSÉ ANTONIO
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| · Adaptation and Validation of the Social Domination Orientation (SDO) Scale in a Chilean Sample MANUEL, CÁRDENAS; MEZA, PATRICIO; LAGUES, KAREN; YAÑEZ, SUSAN
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| · Factorial Validity of the "Spanish Burnout Inventory" (SBI) in a Sample of Mexican Doctors GIL-MONTE, PEDRO R.; ZÚÑIGA-CABALLERO, LESLIE CLARET
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| · Predictors of Depressive Symptoms in Children and Adolescents Institutionalized WATHER ABAID, JOSIANE LIEBERKNECHT; DALBOSCO DELL'AGLIO, DEBORA; HELENA KOLLER, SÌLVIA
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| · Memory and Metamemory: Functional Relationships and their Stability SIERRA-FITZGERALD, OSCAR
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| · Late Language Development: Metapragmatic Consciousness in School-Aged Children CRESPO-ALLENDE, NINA; ALFARO-FACCIO, PEDRO
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| · Sense, Personal Sense and Subjective Sense in a Historical-Cultural Perspective: a Path Towards a New Definition of Subjectivity GONZÁLEZ-REY, FERNANDO LUIS
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| · Cultural Psychology: Theorical Contributions and Epistemological Bases - From Vygotsky's Contributions to Bakhtin's Linguistic Discussion PIZZINATO, ADOLFO
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| · Institutional Construction of the "Dangerous Madman" BRAVO, OMAR ALEJANDRO
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Reviews |
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