| Table of contents Univ. Psychol. vol.14 no.2 Bogotá Apr./June 2015 Editorial | | | | · What Open Access is not López López, Wilson
| | | Original contributions | | | | · The Predictive Role of Self-Compassion on Entrapment in Turkish University Students Akin, Ahmet; Akin, Ümran
| | | | · Learning Mindfulness for Enhancing Relaxation and Self-Efficacy on Academic Performance in High School Students Amutio-Kareaga, Alberto; Franco Justo, Clemente; Gázquez Linares, José Jesús; Mañas Mañas, Israel
| | | | · Profiling Information Literacy in Higher Education: Traces of a Local Longitudinal Study Castañeda-Peña, Harold; Barbosa-Chacón, Jorge Winston; Marciales, Gloria; Barreto, Idaly
| | | | · Relationship between Social Support, Life Satisfaction and Subjective Well-Being in Brazilian Adolescents Castellá Sarriera, Jorge; Bedin, Lívia; Tiago Calza, Daniel Abs; Casas, Ferran
| | | | · Social Integration of Children of Immigrant Parents from Africa, Eastern Europe and Latin America: a Case Report in Spain Checa, Juan Carlos; Monserrat, Montserrat
| | | | · Implicit Preferences in a Spanish Sample: A New Technique to Determine Racial Preference Dorantes Argandar, Gabriel; Ferrero Berlanga, Javier; Tortosa Gil, Francisco
| | | | · Adaptation of Centrality of Event Scale (CES) to Spanish Fernández-Alcántara, Manuel; de los santos-Roig, Macarena; Pérez-Marfil, Mª Nieves; Catena-Martínez, Andrés; Pérez-García, Miguel; Martí-García, Celia; Cruz-Quintana, Francisco
| | | | · Efficacy of Motivational Interviewing to Promote Therapeutic Adherence in Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Patients García Cedillo, Ismael; Morales Antúnez, Brenda Verónica
| | | | · Perception of Low-Level Expression Dermatological Diseases and Quality of Life: Moderating Role of Coping Hernández-Fernaud, Estefanía; Hernández, Bernardo; Ruiz, Cristina
| | | | · The Organization of Reading Instruction in Classrooms in Chile. Some Differences between Basic and Qualified Teachers as Competent Iturra Herrera, Carolina
| | | | · Approach-Avoidance Motivational Profiles in Physical Education Contexts Méndez-Giménez, Antonio; Fernández-Río, Javier; Cecchini-Estrada, José-Antonio
| | | | · A Psychosocial Approach to the Basque Conflict as a Dynamical System Mínguez Alcaide, Xavier; Alzate Sáez de Heredia, Ramón; Sánchez de Miguel, Manuel
| | | | · Graduate Psychology Education in National University of La Plata (Argentina) and the Role of Scientific Journals, 1976-2000 González, Eliana Noemí
| | | | · Association between Sports Service Quality, Value and User Satisfaction in Spain Nuviala, Alberto; Grao-Cruces, Alberto; Fernández-Ozcorta, Eduardo; Nuviala, Román
| | | | · Econogram: designing a tool for qualitative research in social contexts with low or no socioeconomic information data base Páez Becerra, Francisco Javier; Bateman, Andrés; Núñez, Jairo; Hurtado-Caycedo, Claudia; Andrés Gutiérrez, Carlos; Pinzón Másmela, Carol
| | | | · Assessment of Environmental Quality, Degree of Optimism, and the Assignment of Responsibility Regarding the State of the Environment in Latin America Páramo, Pablo; Sandoval-Escobar, Marithza; Jakovcevic, Adriana; Ferreiro, Julián; Mustaca, Alba; Jengich, Alexa; Brenes, José; Ortega-Andeane, Patricia; Vivas, Fabiola; Moros, Oscar; Méndez, Carmen; Pasquali, Carlota; Aparecida Bassani, Marlise; Anicama Gómez, José; Castillo, Betty; Denegrí, Marianela; Urzúa, Alfonso
| | | | · Media Competence in Childhood Education Assessment the Level of Development in Spain Pérez-Rodríguez, M. Amor; Ramírez García, Antonia; García-Ruiz, Rosa
| | | | · A Study of the Relationship between Memory, Narrative and Language in Pupils with Specific Language Impairment (SLI) Acosta, Víctor; M. Ramírez, Gustavo; Hernández, Sergio
| | | | · Responding to a program of resilience applied parents of children with Down Syndrome Sánchez-Teruel, David; Robles-Bello, María Auxiliadora
| | | | · Predictor Model for Running Motivations: Analysis of Spanish vs. Mexican Route Runners Zarauz Sancho, Antonio; Ruiz-Juan, Francisco; Arbinaga Ibarzábal, Félix; Jaénes Sánchez, José Carlos; Flores-Allende, Gabriel
| | | | · Parenthood , maternal work and child development: A Chilean study in children attending daycares in poverty context Santelices Álvarez, María Pía; Besoain, Carolina; Escobar, María Josefina
| | | | · Subjective Happiness and Hope Sariçam, Hakan
| | | | · "It's All Discursive!" Crossing Boundaries and Crossing Words with Rom Harré Belli, Simone; Aceros, Juan C; Harré, Rom
| | | | · Sleep disorders and sleep quality in shift and daytime industrial workers Tellez López, Arnoldo; Villegas Guinea, Diana Rocío; Juárez García, Dehisy Marisol; Segura Herrera, Luis Guillermo; Fuentes Aviles, Luis
| | | | · The Influence of Importance in Self-Report of Quality of Life in Chilean Young People Urzúa, Alfonso; Caqueo-Urízar, Alejandra; Bravo, María Fernanda; Carvajal, Karen; Vera, Claudio
| | | | · Is conventional Political Participation An Indicator of Youth Civic Engagement? Várela, Edmundo; Loreto Martínez, María; Cumsille, Patricio
| | | | · Psychometric Properties of the EATQ-R Among a Sample of Catalan-Speaking Spanish Adolescents Viñas Poch, Ferran; González Carrasco, Monica; Gras Pérez, Eugenia; Jane Ballabriga, Claustre; Casas Aznar, Ferran
| | | | · School violence in adolescents: A analysis based on physical activity and place of residence Zurita Ortega, Félix; Vilches Aznar, José María; Cachón Zagalaz, Javier; Padial Ruz, Rosario; Martínez Martínez, Asunción; Castro Sánchez, Manuel
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