Original contributions |
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| · I Am a Bull! The Construction of Masculinity in a Group of Men Perpetrators of Violence against Women in Spain Beiras, Adriano; Cantera, Leonor M; de Alencar-Rodrigues, Roberta
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| · New sexual categories and the psychology of the entrepreneurial self: Dilemmas of sex/gender dissidence in the neoliberal context Martinez Guzmán, Francisco Antar
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| · Demedicalization of the Experience of Pain in Women: Uses of Virtual Platforms and Subjective Agencement Processes Amigot, Patricia; Pujal i Llombart, Margot
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| · Stage machinery, characters and plots in psychological acting in gender violence in Quito Guarderas Albuja, Paz
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| · From Research Using Life Stories to Social Theatre: The Gender Digital Divide Case Gil-Juárez, Adriana; Feliu, Joel; Vall-Llovera, Montse; Calsamiglia, Andrea; Conesa, Ester
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| · Inhabiting the March: ethnographic notes about a youth protest experience Bonvillani, Andrea
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| · Work-Related Mental Health: The Challenges for Public Policies Hespanhol Bernardo, Marcia; Aparecida de Souza, Heloisa; Garrido Pinzón, Johanna; Alessandro Kawamura, Eduardo
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| · Nosotros los académicos. Narrativas identitarias y autodefinición en la universidad actual Fardella, Carla; Sisto, Vicente; Jiménez, Felipe
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| · Learning Home Care in Migratory Contexts: Ambivalences, Alliances and Distances Cristina Yufra, Laura; Santamaría Lorenzo, Enrique
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| · Uses of the psychosocial in the treatment and research of intersexualities/DSD García Dauder, S; Greogri Flor, Nuria; Hurtado García, Inmaculada
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| · Governmentality and Relations of Inclusion/Exclusion: Social Intervention Devices Aimed at Immigrant Women in Spain Galaz Valderrama, Caterine Joanna; Montenegro Martínez, Marisela
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| · Romantic love's repertoire and the conditions of possibility of violence against women Cubells Serra, Jenny; Calsamiglia Madurga, Andrea
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| · Cartographies of everyday life: approaches between academy and community León Cedeño, Alejandra Astrid; Vargas Mansano, Sonia Regina
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| · Gubernamentalidad y riesgo en el campo de las drogas: análisis de las prácticas de gobierno en torno al problema-drogas en Chile posdictatorial Sepúlveda Galeas, Mauricio Alejandro; Drove Aldana, Tamara Andrea
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| · Experience and Materiality at Places of Collective Memory in Chile Montenegro Martínez, Marisela; Piper Shafir, Isabel; Fernández Droguett, Roberto; Sepúlveda Galeas, Mauricio
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| · Neoliberal Governmentality and Knowledge Production in Higher Education: Genealogy of a Subjective Configuration Gómez Sánchez, Lucía; Jódar Rico, Francisco; Bravo Sánchez, María Jesús
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| · A psychosocial critical approach of violence in schools Contributions of a study with students from the city of Córdoba, Argentina Paulín, Horacio Luis
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| · HIV 2.0 Expert Patient: Molecularization, Regimes of Vitality and New Chronic Citizenship Zaballos Samper, Alejandro; Peñaranda-Cólera, María del Carmen
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| · The Flexible Enterprise as a Government Apparatus: Contributions of the Analytics of Governmentality for Study of Labor Subjectivities in Latin America Stecher, Antonio
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| · Unionism and Work. The experience of young people in Bogota since its interpretative repertories López Cortés, Oscar Andrés; Vargas Monroy, Liliana; Covelli Reyes, Carolina; Pérez Aldana, María Angélica; Santamaría Martínez, Laura Patricia
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| · Homonationalism in Catalonia: an approach from LGTBI activism Sadurní Balcells, Núria; Pujol Tarrés, Joan
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| · The Stabilization of Psychiatric Diagnosis: Psychotropic Drugs as Boundary Objects Geneyro Saldombide, Silvia Carolina; Tarado, Francisco
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