Articles |
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| · Study on the Social Advertising of WWF (World Wildlife Foundation) Peru on Facebook and the Environmental Culture of Young People in Lima-Peru Quijandría Cayo, Eliana Alejandra
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| · The Influence of Cinema in the Formation of Brazil’s Image Abroad Costa Perinotto, André Riani; Vergal, Ana Carolina; S. G. Gimenes Minasse, Maria Henriqueta; de Oliveira da Silva, Bruno
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| · Calderón Productions and the Continuity of Mexican Industrial Cinema (1960-1980) Flores, Silvana
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| · Analysis of the Informational Treatment of Immigration in the Chilean Press Nesbet Montecinos, Felipe; Cárcamo Ulloa, Luis; Becker, Kristin
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| · Political Language on Twitter during the Runoff Voting in the 2018 Presidential Election Gallego Galvis, Sandra Ximena; Gayón Tavera, Delsar Roberto; Alzate Pongutá, Juan Felipe
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| · Corruption as a social problem in Argentine TV: interaction between media and audiences Zunino, Esteban; Focás, Brenda
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| · The Social Appropriation of Mobile Technologies: an Opportunity for the Construction of Citizenship Marín Ochoa, Beatriz Elena; Cruz Lanchero, Luis Javier
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| · Facebook as a Communication Media in Farmers’ Organizations in Catatumbo Barbosa Trigos, J. F.; Ríos Pacheco, E. F.
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| · Media Ownership Types. A State of the Art Gallego Ramos, José Raúl
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| · Black Media and Inequality in the Media Structure: Notes on Brazil and USA Ivonete
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