Editorial |
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Theory and meta-theory |
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| · Mental representations about law in children and adolescents. A epigenetic studies review Álvarez-Ramírez, Leonardo Yovany; Chacón-Afanador, Jorge
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Studies and Research Reports |
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| · The Theoretical Development of Resilience and its Application in Adverse situations: An analytical review García-Vesga, María Cristina; Domínguez-de la Ossa, Elsy
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| · Stress coping styles and subjective well-being in adolescents and young adults Verdugo-Lucero, Julio César; Ponce de León-Pagaza, Bárbara Gabriela; Guardado-Llamas, Rosa Esthela; Meda-Lara, Rosa Martha; Uribe-Alvarado, J. Isaac; Guzmán-Muñiz, Jorge
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| · Time management in young people starting academic studies at the Simón Bolívar University Durán-Aponte, Emilse; Pujol, Lydia
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| · Cellphone usage among poor Chilean teenagers Araya-Castillo, Luis; Pedreros-Gajardo, Margarita
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| · Youth, Citizenship and Information and Communication Technologies. The Chilean student movement Valderrama, Lorena B.
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| · The digital divide: social representations of teachers in a marginal school Vesga-Parra, Luz del Sol; Hurtado-Herrera, Deibar René
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| · Educational system, youth and social inequalities: a study in Dominican schools Giliberti, Luca
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| · The clinical services available to children and young people with mental illnesses in México Zamora-Carmona, Gabriela
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| · Suffering in the Yerbal… Processes of self-construction amongst young people from harvest-gathering families María Luz, Roa
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| · Punk Music as a formative identity space among Mexican young people López-Cabello, Arcelia Salome
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| · Archaeology and education-"Archaeology and communities" project to children and teenagers at Jequitinhonha Valley, Minas Gerais State, Brazil Fagundes, Marcelo
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| · Relevant learning for children and girls in early childhood Zapata Ospina, Beatriz Elena; Restrepo Mesa, José Hernán
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| · Childhood, Sole-Parent Families and Latin-American Immigration in Barcelona, Spain Alcalde-Campos, Rosalina; Pávez, Iskra
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| · Patterns, beliefs and parenting practices related with punishment and the generational transmission of these in four families of low socio-economic level in the city of Bogotá Pulido, Sandra; Castro-Osorio, Juliana; Peña, Marlyn; Ariza-Ramírez, Diana Paola
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| · Violence against the child: A local approach to a global problem through participatory action research Gutiérrez-Vega, Ingrit; Acosta-Ayerbe, Alejandro
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| · "They" and "We": Chilean youngsters' (mis)trust Baeza-Correa, Jorge
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| · Youngsters from the State of Mexico: socialdemographics and employment 2010 Reyes-Terrón, Ángel Mauricio; Elizarrarás-Hernández, Moisés
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