Editorial |
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Theory and meta-theory |
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| · Post-critical theories of youth: juvenilization, tribalism and active socialization Groppo, Luis Antonio
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| · Youth and Politics: from formal participation to informal mobilization Arias-Cardona, Ana María; Alvarado, Sara Victoria
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| · Professional Education Internships(PEI): reflections on the formation of physical education teachers Ayala-Zuluaga, Carlos Federico; Franco-Jiménez, Alejandra María; Ayala-Zuluaga, José Enver
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| · The understanding of solidarity. Analysis of empirical studies Giraldo, Yicel Nayrobis; Ruiz-Silva, Alexander
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| · New immigrants, old racism: Participatory mapping and immigrant children in Chile Suárez-Cabrera, Dery Lorena
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| · Presence and indifference. Towards a visual statute of childhood Gascón, Felip; Godoy, Lorena
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| · Participation of public preschool teachers in the Colombian pedagogical movement Cárdenas-Forero, Óscar Leonardo
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| · Care for children and adolescents in contexts of persistent urban poverty Ierullo, Martín
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Studies and Research Reports |
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| · Children's notions of social inequality: ideological dimensions and political socialization processes Imhoff, Débora; Brussino, Silvina
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| · Psychological resources and the perception of migration in children from migrant families Guzmán-Carrillo, Karla Yunuén; González-Verduzco, Blanca Sharim; Rivera-Heredia, María Elena
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| · Perceptions of children’s oral health González-Penagos, Catalina; Cano-Gómez, Melissa; Meneses-Gómez, Edwin J.; Viva res-Builes, Annie M.
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| · Descriptive analysis of antisocial behavior among male adolescentes Komatsu, André Vilela; Rezende Bazon, Marina
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| · Differential analysis of the perception of abuse in relationships among young people in Mexico Bringas-Molleda, Carolina; Cortés-Ayala, Lourdes; Antuña-Bellerín, María ángeles; Flores-Galaz, Mirta; López-Cepero, Javier; Rodríguez-Díaz, Francisco Javier
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| · Adolescent autonomy and parental support and control in Mexican indigenous families Esteinou, Rosario
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| · Violence, perceived insecurity in the context and roles in bullying among mexican scholars Hidalgo-Rasmussen, Carlos; Hidalgo-San Martín, Alfredo
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| · Socialization and interest in politics among young Chileans Vargas-Salfate, Salvador; Carlos Oyanedel, Juan; Torres-Vallejos, Javier
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| · Organizational analysis of school inclusion classes in France Cara-Díaz, María; Sola-Martínez, Tomás; Aznar-Díaz, Inmaculada; Fernández-Martín, Francisco
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| · Globalization of the Knowledge Society and University Transformation Rengifo-Millán, Maritza
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| · Sense of responsibility with the health: the perspective of subjects which mobilize this right Franco-Cortés, ãngela María; Roldán-Vargas, Ofelia
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| · Ethical dilemmas in contexts of war: a study of Colombian medical narratives Urrego-Mendoza, Diana Zulima; Quintero-Mejía, Marieta
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| · Family Home Visiting: teaching strategy for integrated medical training Zuliani-Arango, Liliana Adela; Villegas-Peña, María Eugenia; Galindo-Cárdenas, Leonor Angélica; Kambourova, Miglena
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| · Children’s knowledge García-Palacios, Mariana; Horn, Axel; Castorina, José Antonio
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| · Verbal collaborative communication in three ages and two socioeconomic contexts Castellaro, Mariano A.; Roselli, Néstor D.
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| · Youth employment policies: studies in Latin America and Argentina Isacovich, Paula
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| · Children, dictatorship and resistance: sons and daughters of the Chilean left (1973-1989) Castillo-Gallardo, Patricia Eliana; González-Celis, Alejandra
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| · Anorexia nervosa: The body and commands from the social-superego Murguía-Mier, Sonia Patricia; Unikel-Santoncini, Claudia; Blum-Grynberg, Bertha; Taracena-Ruiz, Bertha Elvia
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| · Maternity and life plans among young people infected with HIV by vertical transmission Eid, Ana Paula; Almeida Weber, João Luis; Pizzinato, Adolfo
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| · Adolescents breaking criminal law at the center of the debate on public security in Uruguay González-Laurino, Carolina
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| · Configuration of identities of young people after a relative’s enforced disappearance Alvis-Rizzo, Alexander; Duque-Sierra, Carmen Patricia; Rodríguez-Bustamante, Alexander
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| · Trajectories of young people from Zaragoza (Spain) in configurations of working-class families Pac-Salas, Dav id; Ventura de Pedro, Tirso
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| · Young girls who drop out of school: shifts and points of no return Estrada-Ruiz, Marcos Jacobo
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| · Elements that create obstacles for pedagogical coordinators in vulnerable schools in the Araucanía region of Chile Beltrán-Véliz, Juan; Mansilla-Sepúlveda, Juan
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| · Youth condition in Colombia: between structural violence and collective action Aguilar-Forero, Nicolás; Muñoz, Germán
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| · From negative impacts to new possibilities: children in the Colombian armed conflict Valencia-Suescún, María Isabel; Ramírez, Mónica; Fajardo, María Alejandra; Ospina-Alvarado, María Camila
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| · MBQS: Evaluation method for attachment-based interventions in early childhood Salinas-Quiroz, Fernando; Posada, Germán
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| · Response to stress, temperament and child rearing in Colombian children Martínez, Marta; García, María Cristina; Aguirre-Acevedo, Daniel Camilo
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| · Social competence and sociometric status school in children diagnosed with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Russo, Daiana; Arteaga, Florencia; Rubiales, Josefina; Bakker, Liliana
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| · Values education and traditional stories in early childhood education Marín-Díaz, Verónica; Sánchez-Cuenca, Carmen
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| · Evaluation of municipal youth policies through an indicators system Soler-Masó, Pere; Planas-Lladó, Anna; Fullana-Noell, Judit
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| · Complex interfaces in educational and juvenile politics: meaning and identities in Chile’s secondary school system Molina-Chávez, Walter Manuel; Oliva -Figueroa, Iván Gabriel
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| · Youth in resistance: educating for a hermeneutical community Calderón-Vélez, Milton Leonel
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| · Metacognitive argumentation in the science classroom Sánchez-Castaño, Jairo Alejandro; Castaño-Mejía, Olga Yazmín; Tamayo-Alzate, óscar Eugenio
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| · Curricular guidelines and citizenship attitudes in Latin American students: a comparative analysis Bascopé, Martín; Bonhomme, Macarena; Cox, Cristián; Castillom, Juan Carlos; Miranda, Daniel
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| · Pedagogy of social movements as practices of peace in contexts of war Botero-Gómez, Patricia
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| · Lafkenche environmental knowledge in schools along the coast of Araucanía (Chile) Rojas-Maturana, Marcela; Peña-Cortés, Fernando
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| · Youth Entrepreneurship: An assessment with university students García-García, Víctor Daniel
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