| Table of contents Rev. Cienc. Salud vol.3 no.2 Bogotá July/Dec. 2005 Editorial | | | | | | | Original Articles | | | | · Susceptibility Analysis of a Cell Line Derived from Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) to Leishmania (L) chagasi and Leishmania (V) braziliensis Infection Muñoz-Camargo, Carolina; Barreto, Alfonso; Bello, Felio
| | | | · Establishment, maintenance and productivity of a colony of laboratory from Lutzomyia spinicrassa Morales, Osorno-Mesa, Osorno & Hoyos, 1969 (Diptera: Psychodidae) in Colombia Morales, Alberto; Bello, Felio; Cárdenas, Estrella
| | | | · Analysis of Urine Samples for the Molecular Detection of Infectious Diseases. Application to the Identification of Human Cytomegalovirus Fonseca, Dora; Gutiérrez, Andrés; Mateus, Heidi; Silva, Claudia; Contreras, Nora; Giraldo, Alejandro
| | | | · Determination Of Interleukine-10 In Cancer Patients In Stages Iii And Iv Treated With Dexamethasone Siachoque, Heber; Ibáñez, Milcíades; Chuaire, Lilian; García, Olga; Guzmán, Angie; Flórez, Luis
| | | | · Gender and disability implications in subjectivity and identity construction Díaz Castillo, Luz Ángela; Muñoz Borja, Patricia
| | | | · Evaluation of Pesticides Used in Agriculture - Putumayo, Colombia Salcedo Monsalve, Alejandra; Melo Trujillo, Olga Lucía
| | | Review Articles | | | | · Apoptosis: Therapeutic target in neurodegeneration and sepsis Arboleda, Gonzalo; Matheus, Luisa M.
| | | | · Hematologic Response to Exercise Bonilla Briceño, Javier Fernando
| | | Case Report | | | | · Negative Hiv Patient with Meningitis Azuero, Luisa Fernanda; Quintero, Patricia; Mayor, Liliana; González, Guillermo
| | | | · Physiotherapist performance in a context of violence Díaz Castillo, Luz Ángela
| | | | · Association of breast ductal carcinoma and anaplastic Non-Hodgkin Lyphoma of big B cells Cortés, Ximena; Moncaleano, Juan Manuel
| | | Notes | | | | · Inclusion for People with Disability: Between Equality and Diversity García Ruiz, Alix Solángel; Fernández Moreno, Aleida
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