| Table of contents Rev. Cienc. Salud vol.6 no.2 Bogotá May/Aug. 2008 Editorial | | | | · The Millennium Development Goals: the Hunger, the Children and Women Health in Latin America Ferreira da Silva, Maria Rejane
| | | Original Articles | | | | · Evaluation of the larval therapy in the healing process of infected wounds with Pseudomonas aeruginosa in rabbits Rey, Mauricio; Castañeda, Adriana; González, Juliana; Acero, Víctor; Segura, Alexandra; Zapata, Cristina; Gaona, María A.; Ríos, Dora; Bello, Felio J.
| | | | · Exploratory study on occupational health exposure to chemical agents, in a public hospital in Valencia, Venezuela. Preliminar assessment Rojas, Maritza; Rivero, Exila; Espino, Carlos
| | | | · Preliminary study of mental retardation in Rovira (Tolima, Colombia) Celis, Luis Gustavo; Moreno, Adriana; Trujillo, Lina Marcela; Cubides-Gutiérrez, Lygna Margareth; Ossa, Humberto; Blackburn, Natalia; Villarreal, Paula; Bermúdez, Martha; Briceño Balcazar, Ignacio
| | | | · Imaginaries of people suffering from disabilities around physical activity García Sánchez, Lilia Virginia; Ospina Rodríguez, Jackeline
| | | | · Evaluation of the toxic effect from Eupatorium microphyllum L.F. (Asteraceae) extracts on Aedes aegypti larvae (Diptera: Culicidae) in laboratory conditions Rozo, Álvaro; Zapata, Cristina; Bello, Felio J.
| | | | · Determination of the anthropometric and physical qualities profile in footballers children of Bogotá Correa B., Jorge Enrique
| | | Review Articles | | | | · Biological basis and clinical application of serum tumor markers Cruz Tapias, Paola Andrea; Villegas Gálvez, Victoria Eugenia; Ramírez Clavijo, Sandra Rocío
| | | Historical Note | | | | · Some Topics in Relation to José Celestino Mutis and Medicine Palacios Sánchez, Leonardo
| | | Case Report | | | | · Brain tumor, mood disorder and encephalopathy Velandia Hurtado, Fernando; Salgado Cardozo, Juan Pablo
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