| Table of contents Rev. Cienc. Salud vol.19 no.spe Bogotá Dec. 2021 Editorial | | | | · Historias de las epidemias en América Latina. Reflexiones para pensar el presente Valero, Stefan Pohl; Zárate, María Soledad
| | | Research articles in social studies of health | | | | · Smallpox in Santiago, Concepción and Santafé: A Comparisson of the Enlightened Sanitary Strategies (1782-1807) Núñez-Gómez, María Camila; Sánchez-Martínez, María Catalina; Quevedo V, Emilio
| | | | · Epidemics, Institutions, and the State. Health in Santiago de Chile, 1810-1842 Caffarena Barcenilla, Paula
| | | | · Epidemics on the Margins: The Bubonic Plague (1903-1905) and COVID-19 Epidemics in the Peruvian South Andean Region Palma, Patricia; Lizarme Villcas, Nashely
| | | | · Thinking about the Spanish Flu in Bogotá in the Era of COVID-19 Durán-Sánchez, María Fernanda
| | | | · Workers or Heroines? Health Care in Times of Crisis Ramacciotti, Karina; Testa, Daniela
| | | | · "Asian Flu is Coming!": Chronicle of a Pandemic before its Arrival (Brazil, 1957) Hochman, Gilberto
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