| Table of contents Prospect. vol.12 no.2 Barranquilla July/Dec. 2014 Articles | | | | · Study for removal of Pb (II), Ni (II) and Cr (VI) in solutions using support chemically modified Tejada Tovar, Candelaria; Villabona Ortiz, Angel; Ruiz Paternina, Erika
| | | | · Identification of a two phase separator in a crude gathering station through artificial intelligence techniques Gualdrón, Oscar Eduardo; García Mateus, Ludwing Darío; Beleño Sáenz, Kelvin De Jesús
| | | | · State of the art on gear tooth profiles Martínez Henao, Pedro Nel; Arzola de la Peña, Nelson
| | | | · Digital reconstruction of archeological objects Sanchez T, German; Leal, Esmeide; Leal, Nallig
| | | | · Development of an algorithm to establish the death risk for patients on an Intensive Care Unit using Non Linear Multiple Regression García García, Cindy María; Posada Aguilar, José David; Villanueva Padilla, Jair
| | | | · Health care system of auto-regulation of oxygen by non-invasive monitoring, using fuzzy logic Ospino Castro, Adalberto; Robles Algarín, Carlos; Duran Pabón, Alejandro
| | | | · Desing and implementation of a wireless scada system by means of zigbee and arduino technology Herrera, Jean; Barrios, Mauricio; Pérez, Saúl
| | | | · Miceps methodology for statistical process control: a case study applied in production process of tempered glass Ortíz Barrios, Miguel Angel; Felizzola Jiménez, Heriberto Alexander
| | | | · Petrographic study of the limestone deposit in the municipality of la Paz, department of Cesar Manco Jaraba, Dino Carmelo; Rojas Martinez, Elías Ernesto; Gomez, Benito Armando
| | | | · Transesterification vegetable oils using heterogeneous catalysts Castellar Ortega, Grey C; Angulo Mercado, Edgardo R; Cardozo Arrieta, Beatriz M
| | | | · Labor productivity study about masonry and structure activities for a construction project at campus UPB Remolina Millán, Aldemar; Polanco Sánchez, Lina Maritza
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