Editorial |
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| · Prospects of quality Sanabria Landazábal, Néstor Juan; Mendoza Vega, Lilia Mercedes
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Article on scientific and technological research |
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| · The reputation capital as ethics questioning of technological innovation in monsanto Vargas- Hernández, José G; Ortiz Sánchez, Salvador
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| · Strategic management system dual-logistics for smes in the metalworking sector barranquilla city Cervera Cárdenas, Jorge Eduardo
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| · Model implementation of ict in the sector of transportation in barranquilla city using dynamic systems Mercado Polo, Darwin Ramiro; Sepúlveda Ojeda, Jorge Antonio; Pedraza Caballero, Luis Eduardo; Hernández Palma, Hugo G
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| · Current features of economic integration between mercosur and countries of andean community Neira Orjuela, Fernando
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| · Business, migration and oil: towards a transformation of political economy in equatorial guinea Jiménez Bautista, Francisco; Nvé Oyana, Carlos Oyono
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| · Spreads as international business productivity position the case of spanish chemical sector Miró, Albert-Pol
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| · Dynamic cluster Mendoza Guerra, José María
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| · Railway girardot giant conquered by corruption Benavides Pava, Darío; Escobar Hinestroza, Hugo Andrés
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| · Internationalization and global strategies for developing and emerging countries Sarmiento del Va, Santiago
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| · Quality of tourist supply in department of the Guajira-Colombia Mejía González, Loreley Patricia; Bolaño Rodríguez, Luima Yanet
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