Artigos Originais |
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| · Playful methodology for teaching requirements engineering based on preconceptual schemes HERNÁNDEZ-REINOZA, HÉCTOR JOSÉ; VILLOTA-IBARRA, CAMILO; JIMÉNEZ-BUILES, JOVANI ALBERTO
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| · Consequences of Galileo's work in later science RIVERA-JUÁREZ, JUAN MANUEL
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| · Context and conditions of eco marketing to promote nature tourism GARCÍA-CAPDEVILLA, DIANA ALÍ; PARRA, LILLYAM LÓPEZ-DE; MILLÁN-ROJAS, EDWIN EDUARDO
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| · Estimation of the change in water regulation capacity in response to changes in land cover (Case study: Upper Chinchiná river basin, Caldas, Colombia) ÁLVAREZ-PULIDO, ALAN JOSUÉ; YUSTRES-QUINTERO, LUISA FERNANDA; IVANOVA, YULIA
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| · Feeding Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) by chemical silage of trout in the fattening phase VILLA-RAMÍREZ, RIGOBERTO
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| · Stability of correlations of non-linear electrical activity of the resting brain with closed eyes MAUREIRA-CID, FERNANDO; DÍAZ-MUÑOZ, HERNÁN; HADWEH-BRICEÑO, MARCELO; FLORES-FERRO, ELIZABETH; SILVA-SALSE, ÁNGELA
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| · Time series forecasting for Colombian mining and quarrying electricity demand MARINO, MARÍA DÁMELA; ARANGO, ADRIANA; LOTERO, LAURA; JIMÉNEZ, MARITZA
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| · Cervical cancer classification using convolutional neural networks, transfer learning and data augmentation BRAVO-ORTÍZ, MARIO ALEJANDRO; ARTEAGA-ARTEAGA, HAROLD BRAYAN; TABARES-SOTO, KL REINEL; PADILLA-BURITICÁ, JORGE IVÁN; OROZCO-ARIAS, SIMÓN
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| · Prescription of physical exercise from semi-immersive virtual reality therapy: an alternative in functional rehabilitation processes for the elderly CASTELLANOS-RUÍZ, JULIALBA; MONTEALEGRE-MESA, L. M; MÁRQUEZ, C; MURILLO, S; TORRES-ESCOBAR, J. E; ARBELÁEZ-GRANADA, Z. P
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| · Design of an internet of things (IoT) system for blood pressure monitoring QUIROZ-ESTRADA, ALEJANDRO; ACOSTA-AMAYA, GUSTAVO ALONSO; TORRES-VILLA, RÓBINSON ALBERTO
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| · Seismic Performance and Materials Quantities of Reinforced Concrete Frame Buildings Designed for Different Energy Dissipation Capacities CHAPARRO, ANDREA C.; SUÁREZ, ALEJANDRO; BENJUMEA, JOSÉ; VILLALBA-MORALES, JESÚS D.
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| · Induced Bioprecipitation with Sugarcane Cachaza as A Potentiating Mechanism for The Structural Improvement of Compressed Earth Blocks CASTRO, VERÓNICA I.; RODRÍGUEZ, DIANA C.; VEGA-POSADA, CARLOS A.
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| · Estimation of Water Erosión and the Transportation of Sediments in the Upper Basin df Cuxtepeques River, Chiapas, Mexico. GUTIÉRREZ-LÓPEZ, RICARDO; MUCIÑO-PORRAS, JUAN JOSÉ; ARELLANO-MONTERROSAS, JOSÉ LUIS L.; GUICHARD-ROMERO, DELVA DEL ROCÍO; AGUILAR-SUÁREZ, MIGUEL ÁNGEL
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| · GAMLSS models to analyze the drying degree of calcium dihydrate HERNÁNDEZ-BARAJAS, FREDDY; CANO-URREGO, BRAHIAN; CAICEDO-CHAMORRO, EDWIN ALEXANDER
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| · Effect of the Ground Slope and Soil Infiltration on the Water Nitrate Ion Concentrations HERRERA-CEFERINO, MAURA MELISSA; VIVIESCAS-RESTREPO, JUAN CAMILO; AGUIRRE-RAMÍREZ, NÉSTOR JAIME
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| · Characterization of the Essential Oils of the Pinus oocarpa by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (Gc-Ms) Essential Oils by Gc-Ms SARRIA-VILLA, RODRIGO ANDRÉS; GALLO-CORREDOR, JOSÉ ANTONIO; URBANO, FRANKLY
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| · Simulation of the L-phenylalanine production process by the fermentative route using SuperPro Designer® simulator PÉREZ-SÁNCHEZ, AMAURY; RANERO-GONZÁLEZ, ELIZABETH; PÉREZ-SÁNCHEZ, EDDY J.; SEGURA-SILVA, RUTDALI MARIA
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| · The Impact of a Motivation Booster in Blended Learning Experiences in Computer Science Education. ECHEVERRÍA-RODRÍGUEZ, LEÜVY; COBOS-PÉREZ, RUTH
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