Investigation article |
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| · Re-Thinking Scale: Trans- and Inter- Disciplinary Perspectives Re-pensar a escala: perspectivas trans e interdisciplinares Mosquera-Vallejo, Yilver
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| · Debates over geographical scale in the anglophonic world Herod, Andrew
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| · Beyond Housing: The Metamorphosis of Brazilian Sem-Teto Movement’s Struggle and Scalarity da Silveira Grandi, Matheus
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| · A Geographic Look at Scale as an Tool to Build Reality Valenzuela, Cristina
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| · Global Policies, Local Responses: Scales, Housing, and Habitat in Arica, Chile Hidalgo Dattwyler, Rodrigo; Vergara Constela, Carlos; González Rodríguez, Miguel
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| · Spatial imaginaries and the politics of scale in Colombia Griffin, Alba; Morgan, Nick
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| · Ritornello, Scale, and Repoliticization of Urban Fight in Santiago de Chile: A Reflection for Scalar Analysis (1984-2021) Paulsen Espinoza, Alex
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| · Return in Migration Flows. Spatial Configuration and Migration Selectiveness in the Department of Atlántico (Colombia) Díez, Adriano; Romero, josé Manuel; Márquez, josé Francisco
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| · The Synecdoches of Living Heritage in Bogota’s Historic Center. Exploring a Shared Production of Scale Salge ferro, Manuel; Puccini Montoya, Alessandra
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| · Fainting Representation and Scalar Transition in (Post)Dictatorial Chile in Nostalgia de la luz and Colectivo Acciones de Arte López Cuenca, Alberto; bermúdez Dini, Renato
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| · Narrative Scales: Spacializing Memory on Mapuche Land Verónica bleger, Mariel
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| · Beyond the “Protocol”: Afro-Argentinian Women and the Public Production of Memories Monkevicius, Paola C
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| · New and Old Fight Arenas: Mass (Mis)Information Media and Social Media Platforms as Devices Legitimizing Meatism and Delegitimizing the Animal Rights Movement Navarro, Alexandra; Méndez, Anahí
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| · Social Loneliness, Emotional Balance, and Dispositional Optimism in Elderly People Living or not in Institutions in the city of Bogotá AMAYA COCUNUBO, IVÁN FERNANDO; GÓMEZ VERANO, LUZ HELENA; REMOLINA DE CLEVES, NAHYR; VELÁSQUEZ BURGOS, BERTHA MARLENE; SAAVEDRA GUZMÁN, LOLA ROSALÍA
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| · Regimes of Memory and Political and Social Uses of the Past. A Conversation With Mario Rufer
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