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Revista Criminalidad
Print version ISSN 1794-3108


Table of contents
Rev. Crim. vol.66 no.1 Bogotá Jan./Apr. 2024

 Criminological studies
 ·  The dynamics of the illegal firearms trade in Lima, Peru
Mires-Agip, Darwin José; Solís-Castillo, Julio César

        · abstract in English | Spanish | Portuguese     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  Lead and mercury in victims of the armed conflict in Bojayá, Chocó: a descriptive study
Combariza Bayona, David Andrés; Daza Corba, Jeritza Catalina; Urrego-Mendoza, Zulma Consuelo

        · abstract in English | Spanish | Portuguese     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  Anxiety and coping strategies in persons deprived of liberty in Barranquilla, Colombia
Navarro-Yepes, Noris; López-Pérez, Pedro Javier; Benítez-Agudelo, Juan Camilo; Linero-Racines, Ronald Miguel; Ariza Álvarez, Andrea; Blanco Espeleta, María

        · abstract in English | Spanish | Portuguese     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  Socio-demographic, methodological and diagnostic analysis of expert reports in psychiatry and psychology for legal decision-making Centro de Estudios en Derecho y Salud (Medellín, Colombia)
Cartagena Preciado, Andrea; Sánchez Acosta, Daniela

        · abstract in English | Spanish | Portuguese     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  Characteristics of the female prison population: a case from the Caribbean region of Colombia
García Escallón, Mercedes Claudia; Aristizábal Diazgranados, Edith; García-López, Eric

        · abstract in English | Spanish | Portuguese     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  Medical and forensic aspects of performing a remote interrogation of persons with disabilities
Badanova, Anna N.; Begaliyev, Yernar N.; Lyssenko, Valeriya Y.; K.Kurmangali, Zhanar; Zauresh N., Ayupova .

        · abstract in English | Spanish | Portuguese     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
 ·  Systematic literature review of the concept “criminal organisation” using the PRISMA model
Lizarzaburu Bolaños, Edmundo; Flórez Alata, Hugo G.

        · abstract in English | Spanish | Portuguese     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  The supervisory judge and judicial confidentiality in proceedings that do not require prior authorization under Law 906 of 2004
Ramírez Carvajal, Diana María; Paniagua Galeano, Alexander

        · abstract in English | Spanish | Portuguese     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 Statistical studies
 ·  Unveiling the dynamics of sexual crimes in Colombia based on complaints over a decade
González Támara, Leandro; Barragán Moreno, Sandra Patricia

        · abstract in English | Spanish | Portuguese     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
 Police spheres
 ·  Identity constructions in gendarmes: a gender perspective
Díaz Cánepa, Carlos; Caro Ceballos, Catalina; Fredes Muñoz, Javiera; Jorquera Caamaño, Francisca; Luco Aravena, Francisca; Rantul Rupayan, Francisca

        · abstract in English | Spanish | Portuguese     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )

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