Editorial |
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Investigación: Artículos |
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| · A revolution with slaves and with Bolivar. An interpretative essay Zeuske, Michael
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| · The Silence of the Black Militia: Socio-Historical Analysis of the British Attack to Puerto Rico of 1797 Milagros, Denis-Rosario
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| · The Princess Ingérmina and Alonso The Conqueror. A loving aculturation López Restrepo, Alba Doris
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| · Assessments of intellectual independence of the Colombian Conservative in the nineteenth century Niño de Villeros, Vanessa
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| · Between lights and shadows: the commemoration of the centenary of the independence of Cartagena, modernization and city imaginary Román Romero, Raúl; Guerrero Palencia, Lorena
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| · 1875 States of the coast and the political conflict with Santiago Perez Rueda Cáceres, Dayana Angélica
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| · Eurocentrism and sexism in the historiography on the indigenous peoples of Abya Yala: investigative findings of the gender relations in the Zenú civilization Solano Suárez, Yusmidia
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| · The Regional Integration at the Beginning of the 21st Century: MERCOSUR and UNASUR Bermúdez Torres, César Augusto
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| · Mokana history. A chapter of history in the Colombian Caribbean region Baquero Montoya, Álvaro; de la Hoz Siegler, Ada
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Reseñas |
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| · El sistema legal y los litigios de esclavos en Indias (Puerto Rico - Siglo XIX) Cunill, Caroline
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| · Historia de El Carmen de Bolívar y su tabaco en los Montes de María. Siglos XVIII - XX Salas Martínez, Luisinho Eder
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| · Administración pública, desarrollo económico y corrupción en el archipiélago de San Andrés, Providencia y Santa Catalina. 1926-1927 Deávila Pertuz, Orlando
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Cuarto de San Alejo: Memoria Documental |
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| · Noticias de San Andrés e islas vecinas 1789
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