Editorial |
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Investigación: Artículos |
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| · Nation, Region and Fragmentation in the Contemporary Caribbean Pantojas García, Emilio
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| · Controversial dynamics between ethnic-cultural expression and political articulation Rossbach de Olmos, Lioba
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| · Colombia and The United States at the beginning of the Cold War" (1950-1966) "Historical roots of the Colombian armed conflict" Trejos Rosero, Luis Fernando
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| · Dynamics of the settlement in the Colombian mainland Caribbean (1938-2005) Avella, Francisco; Mahecha, Nathaly
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| · Modernization on Rails. The Barranquilla Railway and The Electric Trams Medellin. Two Works Great Impact on the City Building Process: 1870-1955 Márquez Estrada, José Wilson
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| · From the reform of Cordoba to Cordobazo The university as an arena of struggle for democracy in Argentina, 1918-1969 and its impact on Colombia Samacá, Gabriel David; Acevedo Tarazona, Alonso Álvaro
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| · From rebel to seditious. Political culture in the new great in the first half of XIX century Monsalvo Mendoza, Edwin; Conde Calderón, Jorge
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Reseñas |
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| · "Construyendo lo Global. Aportes al debate de las Relaciones Internacionales" Aranda, Gilberto
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| · Cronología de los naufragios. La Habana colonial Martín, Juan Guillermo
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| · Indios y españoles en la antigua provincia de Santa Marta, Colombia: Documentos de los siglos XVI y XVII Castillo, Guissepe D'Amato
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| · José Agustín Blanco. Obras completas - Tomo I Sourdis Nájera, Adelaida
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| · Cultura y tradición oral en el Caribe Colombiano Vos Obeso, Rafaela
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Cuarto de San Alejo: Memoria Documental |
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| · Cuarto de San Alejo: Memoria Documental Uribe Marenco, Marlem; Vidal Ortega, Antonino
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| · El ojo de "Parrish" Uribe Marenco, Marlen; Vidal Ortega, Antonino
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