| Sumário ing.cienc. vol.15 no.29 Medellín jan./jun. 2019 Artigos originais | | | | · Influence of the ENSO on the spatio-temporal variability rainfall triggered landslides in the Andean region Naranjo Bedoya, Karolina; Aristizábal Giraldo, Edier Vicente; Morales Rodelo, José Alfred
| | | Acquisition and Evaluation of Rock Mass Geometric Data from Three-Dimensional Images for Use in Geotechnical Analysis Peñuela, J.L.; Beltrán-Calvo, Gloria Inés; Hernández-Carrillo, Rodrigo
| | | Artigos originais | | | | · Proposal of a Tool for Integrating BIM and Financial Decisions in Construction Projects Prieto-Tibaduiza, Wilson Andrés; Rocha-Vega, Sebastián Mauricio; Páez-Martínez, Holmes Julián; Lozano-Ramírez, Natalia E.
| | | | · Enhanced RC5 Algorithm Using Parallel Computing for Communication Networks Cevallos Salas, David Fabián
| | | | · Analytical Approximation of Fuel Consumption and Periodic Behaviors for a Vehicle that Travels Through a Traffic Light Series Mesa-Mazo, M. J.; Valencia-Calvo, Johnny; Olivar-Tost, Gerard
| | | | · Nakayama Automorphism of Some Skew PBW Extensions Suárez, Héctor; Reyes, Armando
| | | | · Spray Drying of Lactic Acid Bacteria: a review Vera-Peña, Madalyd Yurani; Cortés Rodríguez, Misael; Valencia-García, Francia Elena
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