Editorial |
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Articles |
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| · Frecuency of physical activity in adolescents and its relation with the levels of aggression, impulsivity, and use of internet and videogames Chahín-Pinzón, Nicolás; Briñez, Blanca Libia
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| · Beliefs-practice and spiritual-religious coping and demographic characteristics in chronic patients Quiceno, Japcy Margarita; Vinaccia, Stefano
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| · Descriptive study of factors associated with interpersonal violence in students of Tunja Salamanca Camargo, Yenny; Güichá Duitama, Ángela Marcela
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| · Biological and psychological factors of atopic dermatitis Salamanca Sanabria, Alicia; Hewitt Ramírez, Nohelia
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| · Comorbidity between anxiety and depression: empirical assessment model helplessness hopelessness González Cifuentes, Carlos Eduardo; Ángel de Greiff, Elizabeth; Avendaño Prieto, Bertha Lucía
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| · Effectiveness of a program for the promotion of the welfare in the dimensions of the scheme of their selves into a group of elder adults in the city of Bucaramanga Álvarez Ramírez, Leonardo Yovany; Ibarra, Lizeth; arcía Espitia, Erika
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| · Perception of the impact of organizational change in workers from a state university in Bogota: a hermeneutic approach Osorio Jaramillo, Liliana; Ravelo Contreras, Ernesto L
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| · Construction and validation of an instrument that is part of the exploratory process of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (adhd) in children from 7 to 10 years of population Tunja Sotomonte Ariza, Sonia Marcela; Jiménez Mendoza, Gina Lorena; Cárdenas Niño, Lucila
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| · A case of frontotemporal dementia in fluent linguistic variant Garzón Avellaneda, Nataly; Méndez Torres, Amparo; Benito Cuadrado, María Margarita
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Research articles |
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| · Factors related to the college dropout in the Faculty of Psychology at San Buenaventura University Bogotá in the period 1998-2009 Mateus Rodríguez, María Juliana; Herrera Hernández, Consuelo; Perilla Suárez, Catalina; Parra Quecan, Gilma; Vera Maldonado, Anderssen
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Review articles |
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| · Dismorfia muscular: definición y evaluación Baile Ayensa, José I
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