Editorial |
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Military Studies |
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| · Rethinking Polarity Theory. An Approach to the Role of Colombia in Latin America Torrijos Rivera, Vicente; Pérez Carvajal, Andrés
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| · Failed States. Nation-State Failure and Destabilizing Regional Security Sepúlveda, Isidro
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| · Towards the Construction of a State-of-the-Art National Security and Defense in Colombia Cubides Cárdenas, Jaime Alfonso; Garay Acevedo, Claudia Patricia
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| · MERCOSUR: a Regional Security Complex Analysis Cujabante Villamil, Ximena; Rueda Rodríguez, Bibiana; Abril Pérez, Liana; Estudiantes Investigadores
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| · The Strategic Dimension of Chinese Activities in the Latin American Telecommunications Sector Ellis, Robert Evan
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| · Thermal Wake on Narco-Semi-Submergibles and other Vortex Effects García Peláez, Javier; Nieto Sevilla, Isabel Ainhoa
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Human Rights and Interntional Humanitarian Law |
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| · An Approach to Urban Security Studies in Caracas Monroy Hernández, María Catalina; Ortega Gómez, Andrés Felipe; Díaz Vallenoti, Gustavo Adolfo; Mesa Payares, Jeison
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Education |
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| · Research Training for Colombian Qualified Accountants: a Matter of strategy Ríos León, Roberto Antonio
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Science and Technology |
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| · Understanding the Debate Macintosh-Mattessich on the Reality of the Notions of Income and Capital in Accounting Franco Ruíz, Rafael
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| · Impact on Defense Spending on Economic Growth in Colombia in the last twenty years Vargas Pulido, William; Godoy Estrella, Enit
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| · Cigarette Smoking and Anthropometric Profile in Students of the 'General José María Córdova' Military School of Cadets Pachón, Alba Liliana; García Muñoz, Ana Isabel; Segura Segura, Maryluz
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History |
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| · National Identity, Educational System and History in Colombia, 1910-1962 Ghotme, Rafat
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Reviews |
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| · China en América latina. Reflexiones sobre las relaciones transpacíficas Creutzfeldt, Benjamin, ed. Ruiz, Natalia
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| · Dimensiones de la Seguridad. Una aproximación desde la Ciencia Económica Ramírez Hernández, Luis Fernando, ed. Vivas, Omar Augusto
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| · Ciencias Militares Una mirada desde la dimensión epistemológica Ruiz Mora, Jesús Alberto, ed. Pabón Ayala, Nathalie
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| · En la mente de los estrategas ¿Conoce usted su curva de rendimiento estratégico? Sánchez Hurtado, Juan Ricardo Mora Rangel, Jorge Enrique
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| · Fiscalización estratégica de arquitectura organizacional Una tecnología para la Revisoría Fiscal Franco Ruíz, Rafael Gracia López, Edgar
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| · Una escalera al cielo Mendoza, Mario Velásquez Barón, Fredy Alberto
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