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Universitas Medica
versão impressa ISSN 0041-9095versão On-line ISSN 2011-0839


Univ. Med. vol.59 no.4 Bogotá set./dez. 2018

 ·  Centros médicos académicos: interactuando, integrando y construyendo sinergias
Gómez-Restrepo, Carlos

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 Artigos originais
 ·  Incidence of Acute Pyelonephritis in Hospitalized Children under 5 Years Old with Positive Urine Culture
Castaño González, Alexandra; Ruiz Peláez, Juan

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 ·  Comparison of the Socioeconomic Factors and Diagnostic Test between Pulmonary Tuberculosis (PTB) and Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis (ETB) in Boyacá (Colombia), in 2015
Méndez Fandiño, Yardany Rafael; Caicedo Ochoa, Edgar Yaset; Urrutia Gómez, Jorge Andrés; Cortés Motta, Héctor Fabio; Ávila Espitia, Nasly Consuelo; Álvarez Gallego, Gloria Camila

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 ·  Mental Health in the Attention Models for Juvenile Offenders. The Cases of Colombia, Argentina, United States and Canada
Villanueva Congote, Juliana; Jaramillo Bernal, María Camila; Sotomayor Carreño, Esteban; Gutiérrez Congote, Catherine; Torres-Quintero, Angélica

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 ·  Frequency of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathologies in Patients from 0 to 18 Years in the Fundación Hospital de la Misericordia Bogotá (Colombia), during the Period 2006-2014
Parra Sanabria, Erika Alexandra; Peña Vega, Claudia Patricia

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 Artigos de revisão
 ·  Update on the Understanding and Management of Intoxication by Acetaminophen
Castellanos Garzón, Rafael Gustavo; Barrios Peralta, Elkin René; Vides, Alberto; Olarte, María Francisca

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 ·  Training Models in Minimally Invasive Surgery for Laparoscopic Pyeloplasty: Review of the Literature
Villamizar, Pedro; Ángel, Marco; Corchuelo, Valentina; Delgado, Miguel; Ordóñez, Stephanie; Tejada, Marcela; Moreno, Freddy

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 ·  Ferropenia without Anemia, more than a Laboratory Finding
Arsanios, Daniel Martín; Serrano, Samuel; Espinel, Bayron; Quintero, Elías; Rincón, María José; Bastidas Goyes, Alirio

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 ·  Islamic Beliefs Regarding Death and Analysis of its Impact in Human Donation
Lince-Rivera, Isabella; Pérez, Angélica María; Jiménez, Sebastián; Kunzel, Alexa; Lastra, María Alejandra; Laurens A., Lysha Michelle

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 ·  Community-Acquired Pneumonia: A Review of the Literature
Martínez-Vernaza, Samuel; Mckinley, Estefanía; Soto, María Juliana; Gualtero, Sandra

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 Relatos de caso
 ·  Mycobacterium nonchromogenicum in a Patient with Pneumoconiosis: Report of a Case in Primary Care
Villadiego Cortina, Alejandra Melisa; Pardo Rubio, Ernesto

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