Editorial |
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Section of fruits |
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| · Zeatin promotes sugar apple seed germination (Annona squamosa L.) MORENO B., NATALIA ELIZABETH; MIRANDA, DIEGO; MARTÍNEZ M., FABIO ERNESTO
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| · Germination of sugar apple (Annona squamosa L.) seeds submitted to estratification MORENO B., NATALIA ELIZABETH; MIRANDA, DIEGO; MARTÍNEZ M., FABIO ERNESTO
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| · Biomass, foliar parameters and symptomatology in response to different levels of manganese, zinc and boron in the banana passion fruit (Passiflora tripartita var. mollissima) LIZARAZO, MIGUEL ÁNGEL; CAMILO ANDRÉS, HERNÁNDEZ; FISCHER, GERHARD; GÓMEZ, MANUEL IVÁN
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Section of vegetables |
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| · Electromagnetic stimulated chili (Capsicum sinense) seed germination JIMÉNEZ, CRISTIAN; MÉNDEZ, MELISSA; DAZA, MARTHA CONSTANZA; ZÚÑIGA, ORLANDO
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| · Effects of different substrates on the quality of eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) seedlings ARAMÉNDIZ-TATIS, HERMES; CARDONA-AYALA, CARLOS; CORREA-ÁLVAREZ, ENDER
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| · Feasibility of a cooperative commercial association for horticultural products in the Distrito de Riego del Alto Chicamocha GUTIÉRREZ M., LUZ MARINA; RODRÍGUEZ C., LUIS FELIPE; BERMÚDEZ C., LILIA TERESA
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Section of ornamental plants |
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| · Social security and occupational health in flowers producer companies in Boyacá department GONZÁLEZ M., JOSÉ JAVIER; MERCHÁN F., DIANA CAROLINA; RODRÍGUEZ C., LUIS FELIPE
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Section of other species |
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| · Effect of two magnetic fields on the mycelial growth and sensorial properties of the mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus PELÁEZ, JUAN CAMILO; TORRES, CELINA; DÍAZ, JAIME ERNESTO
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Review articles |
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| · Ripening and postharvest behavior in the pineapple guava (Acca sellowiana (O. Berg) Burret). A review PARRA C., ALFONSO; FISCHER, GERHARD
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| · Role of calcium in stomatal opening and closing and their interactions with compatible solutes. A review REYES, ANDREA JOHANA; ÁLVAREZ-HERRERA, JAVIER GIOVANNI; FERNÁNDEZ, JUAN PABLO
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