| Table of contents rev. colombiana cienc. anim. Recia vol.10 no.1 Sincelejo Jan./June 2018 Editorial | | | | · Point of view on the chaos in the classification of the Colombian scientific journals 2017 De La Ossa, V. Jaime; Montes-Vergara, Donicer; Pérez-Cordero, Alexander
| | | Original article | | | | · Bats diversity and composition (Mammalia: Chiroptera) in the municipality of Acandí, Chocó - Colombia Echavarría-R., Jonard David; Jiménez-O., Alex Mauricio; Palacios-M., Leison; Rengifo-M., Jhon Tailor
| | | | · Aquatic insects associated to Eichhornia azurea (Schwartz) Kunth in wetlands of Atrato River, Chocó - Colombia Mosquera-Murillo, Zuleyma
| | | | · Macroflora and macrofauna associated with sumerged roots of Rhizophora mangle (Rhizophoraceae), in the Tampamachoco lagoon, Veracruz, Mexico Lucas M, Edith; De la Cruz-Francisco, Vicencio
| | | | · Evaluation of raw milk quality in three subregions of the department of Sucre, Colombia Romero P, Alberto C; Calderón R, Alfonso; Rodríguez, R. Virginia
| | | | · The importance of the transformed vegetal blankets for cattle sustainability in the Northeast of Cesar, Colombia Roenes G, Gustavo; Reales A, Juan
| | | | · Effect of the extender medium and the cooling and freezing curves over the sperm cell in Colombian creole horses Pérez Osorio, Jair; Otero Arroyo, Rafael; Cardona-Alvarez, José; Ospitia, Paula; González, Alejandra; Paredes Cañón, Astri
| | | | · Parameters and genetic trends for weight at yearling Nellore animals raised in the Parana state, Brazil Souza, Júlio Cesar de; Resende, Marcos Paulo Gonçalves de; Silva, Luiz Otavio Campos da; Gusmão, Marco; Gondo, Andrea; Mota, Marcelo Falci; Freitas, José Antonio; Silva, Rosana Moreira da
| | | Clinical case | | | | · Corneal ulcer in an argentine chair horse of Córdoba, Colombia Jhonny, Buitrago, M.; Donicer, Montes, V.; José, Cardona, A.
| | | Short note | | | | · Record of Acrocinus longimanus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in Sucre, Colombian Caribbean Fuentes-Mario, José A; Salcedo-Rivera, Gerson A
| | | | · New records of Kinosternon leucostomum postinguinale (Duméril and Bibron, 1851) from the Central Cordillera of Colombia Arango-L, Julián; Patiño-S, Dahian; Benítez-C, Lorena; Botero-B, Álvaro
| | | Review | | | | · Agronomics characteristics and nutritional quality of fruits and seeds of pumpkin Cucurbita sp. Rodríguez R, Robert Augusto; Valdés R, Magda Piedad; Ortiz G, Sanin
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