Articles |
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| · 'Los Yndios Infieles Han Quebrantado la Paz'. Negotiations between European, Chocoes and Cunas in Darien, 1739-1789 VÁSQUEZ PINO, DANIELA
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| · Kings, Queens and Captains: Leaders of the Palenques of Sierras de María, during the 16th and 17th Centuries NAVARRETE, MARÍA CRISTINA
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| · Lettered Ecclesiastical: Preliminary Study of the Text Producers in New Granada (1650-1750) ROBLEDO PÁEZ, SANTIAGO
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| · Indian Villages and the Supply of Firewood in Tunja and Santafé, during 16th and 17th Centuries VANEGAS DURÁN, CLAUDIA MARCELA
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| · The Tax of 'ida y vuelta' and the Exploitation of the Natives Laborin the New Kingdom of Granada During the 17th Century BONILLA, HERACLIO; FORERO POLO, MARCO MANUEL
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| · 'Guarda y Custodia' in the Ciudad de los Reyes: Collective Construction of Devotion to the Lord of Miracles (Lima, 17th and 18th Centuries) COSTILLA, JULIA
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| · Indians and Politics. Historiographical Revision about Two Andean Colonial Towns (Northern of Charcas and Sierra Norte of Quito), During 17th and 18th Centuries CUEVAS ARENAS, HÉCTOR
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Reviews |
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| · Crónica, retórica y discurso en el Nuevo Mundo JIMÉNEZ MARCE, ROGELIO
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| · Juan José Castelli. De súbdito de la Corona a líder revolucionario VILARIÑO, MARTÍN R
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