Articles |
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| · Jurisdiction of Puna and the First Subdelegate. Salta of Tucuman Intendancy, 1784-1795 ARAMENDI, BÁRBARA
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| · Reflections on the Late Origin of Tequila Production in the Town of Tequila De León Meza, C. René
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| · On the Misuse of the Qualification Mestizo, Bestowed on Visual Productions by Traditional Chilean Historiography. A Critical Assessment SCHENKE, JOSEFINA
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| · Parish Issues and Shortage of Priest Assistants in Archiepiscopate of Mexico in the Late 18th Century AGUIRRE SALVADOR, RODOLFO
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| · One Night of Lights and Celebration in Cartagena de Indias, 1690 Navarrete, María Cristina
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| · Taxation in Caracas, 1750-1845. From Bourbon Reforms to Mid-Century Liberalism PINTO BERNAL, JOSÉ JOAQUÍN
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| · THe Effects of the Creation of the Viceroyalty of New Granada on the Royal Treasury of Quito (1718-1721) RUIGÓMEZ GÓMEZ, CARMEN
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Reviews |
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| · 1816: el terror y la sangre sublime BONNETT, DIANA
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| · Poder local entre la Colonia y la República. Riobamba, 1750-1812 CABRERA HANNA, SANTIAGO
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| · Cacao. Producción, consumo y comercio. Del período prehispánico a la actualidad en América Latina HUAMANCHUMO DE LA CUBA, OFELIA
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| · Composición de tierras y tendencias de poblamiento hispano en la franja costera. Culiacán y Chiametla, siglos XVII y XVIII PADILLA CALDERÓN, ESTHER
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| · L'aigle et le dragon. Démesure européenne et mondialisation au xvie siècle ROBLEDO PÁEZ, SANTIAGO
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| · Los carmelitas descalzos en la Nueva España. Del activismo misional al apostolado urbano, 1585-1614 SERRANO ESPINOSA, TERESA ELEAZAR
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