Articles |
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| · Las luces del cielo de la Iglesia (1747) by Antonio de Paz y Salgado: The Rhetoric of Power in the Proclamation of the Archbishopric of Guatemala SÁNCHEZ MORA, ALEXANDER
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| · Pijao Language as Lingua Franca in the Governorships of Popayán and Neiva, 16th-17th Centuries PAREDES CISNEROS, SANTIAGO
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| · Pedro Vicente Cañete: An Enlightened Counterrevolutionary Creole in Charcas (1808-1814) PERALTA RUIZ, VÍCTOR; MORENO CEBRIÁN, ALFREDO
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| · Cravings of the Imagination or Celestial Visions? Introductory Notes on the Origin of the Capuchin Advocation of the Divina Pastora HERNÁNDEZ SOTELO, ANEL
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| · Imperial Wars, Patriotic Donations and Indian Towns in Chiapas, 1780-1814 GUILÉN VILLAFUERTE, JOSÉ JAVIER
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| · Encomiendas Vacas and Grants of don Pedro Moctezuma and his Family in the First Half of Seventeenth Century JIMÉNEZ ABOLLADO, FRANCISCO LUIS
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| · Inhabit the Cloister. Organization and Social Transit in Santa Inés de Montepulciano Monastery at the Nuevo Reino de Granada during the 18th Century LONDOÑO, OSCAR LEONARDO
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Reviews |
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| · Circulación y apropiación de imágenes religiosas en el Nuevo Reino de Granada, siglos XVII-XVIII CRUZ MEDINA, JUAN PABLO; PÉREZ PÉREZ, MARÍA CRISTINA
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| · La independencia del Perú ¿Concedida, conseguida, concebida? MORÁN, DANIEL
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| · Extranjeros integrados: portugueses en la Lima virreinal, 1570-1680 PEREYRA CHÁVEZ, NELSON E.
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| · Elites y gobierno en Colima de la Nueva España, siglo XVII PRECIADO, JULIA
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| · Repúblicas y republicanismo en la Europa moderna (siglos XVI-XVIII) SALAZAR BAENA, VERÓNICA; HERRERO SÁNCHEZ, MANUEL
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| · El poder de las letras. Por una historia social de las universidades de la América hispana en el periodo colonial SÁNCHEZ SANTIRÓ, ERNEST
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