Articles |
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| · "Places to Lie and Say Profane and Illicit Things" The Momoztli as Sites of Indigenous Marginality 16th-Century Mexico City ROVIRA MORGADO, ROSSEND
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| · "Subdue the Capitals so the Alteration and the Fire Can Cease". The Propaganda War in the Press of Lima and Buenos Aires at the Independence Time (1810-1816) MORAN, DANIEL; CARCELÉN, CARLOS
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| · Missions to Debate. Archiépiscopal and Monarchical Interests in the Franciscan Custody of Tampico, 1700-1750 AGUIRRE SALVADOR, RODOLFO
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| · Solicitation and Inquisitorial Praxis on the Tribunals of México, Cartagena and Lima. 17 th Century MENESES MUÑOZ, MARIANA
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| · Crossing Borders. The Isabelas of Osorno and the Kidnapping of Sister Francisca in the Late Sixteenth Century LETELIER COSMELLI, JAVIERA; GOLDSCHMIDT LEVINSKY, DAFNA
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| · Dysentery Epidemic in Cali, 1809-1810. Social and Demographic Consequences VELEZ VILLAQUIRAN, LUZ AMPARO
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| · Knowledge Shared between Generations: Circulation of Used Book in New Spain during 17 th and 18 th Century GARCIA, IDALIA
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| · Diplomatic Encounters between the Caciques of the Southern Frontier and the Cabildo of Buenos Aires, 1806 (Viceroyalty of the Río de La Plata) INES TOURRES, LUISINA; NACUZZI, LIDIA ROSA
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Reviews |
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| · GALLARDO ARIAS Y CUAUHTEMOC VELASCO ÁVILA, COORDINADORES México: Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia Colección Interdisciplina. Serie Logos 2018 | ISBN 978-607-539-109-01 200 pp. LARA CISNEROS, GERARDO
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| · Authority, Piracy, and Captivity in Colonial Spanish American Writing. Juan de Castellanos’s Elegies of Illustrious Men of the Indies Emiro Martínez Osorio Lanham: Maryland: Bucknell University Press 2016 | ISBN: 9781611487183 |155 pp. FERNANDORESTREPO, LUIS
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| · Entre los datos y los formatos. Indicios para la historia indígena de las fronteras en los archivos coloniales LIDIA NACUZZI, COORDINADORA Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires: IDES 2018 | ISBN 978-987-21625-1-11 335 pp. TAMAGNINI, MARCELA
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