Articles |
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| · Credit for the Border. Institutional Negotiation, Military Coercion, and Royal Treasury Financing in the Bourbon Río de la Plata (1767-1777) EZEQUIEL WASSERMAN, MARTÍN LEANDRO
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| · Hilario Antonio Rodríguez: a Spanish Negro from Havana in Colonial New York (1746-c. 1757) PENA, BEATRIZ CAROLINA
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| · Military Engineers in the Atrato River: Cartography and Commerce (1760-1790) PEÑA-ORTEGA, JAVIER
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| · Visiting and Quantify: the Population of the Royal Prison of Santafé According to the Visit Books (1776-1783) ARIZA MARTINEZ, JUAN SEBASTIAN
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| · Between Clientelism and Strengthening Family Ties: Compadrazgo in the Indigenous Families of the Melipilla Valley (Chile, 1780-1810) ARMIJO REYES, ANDREA MARGARITA
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| · Religious Architecture in the New Granada. The Cathedral of Santa Marta during the 18th Century GAMEZ CASADO, MANUEL
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| · Patterns of Access to Resources of the Chitagoto Chiefdom, Muisca Area (1555-1602) RAMIREZ MIRANDA, ANGY LILIANA
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| · Circulation of Imported Assets between Maracaibo and Pamplona (1785-1819) BEDOLLA, JASON ANDRES
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Reviews |
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| · El cronista de China. Juan González de Mendoza, entre la misión, el imperio y la historia CRUZ MEDINA, JUAN PABLO
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| · Malas amistades: infanticidios y relaciones ilícitas en la provincia de Antioquia (Nueva Granada) 1765-1803 SUÁREZ GARZÓN, ANDRÉS CAMILO
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| · Los muiscas. La historia milenaria de un pueblo chibcha ÁLVAREZ TOBOS, MARTÍN ERNESTO
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| · Las guerras de independencia en clave bicentenário. Problema y posibilidades YARANGO VELÁSQUEZ, JESUS
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