Articles |
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| · Learning from Scripts to Communicate using Geographic Maps: Institutional Visual Culture of Backlands and Conquered Borders (18 th Century) DE MOURA, DENISE A. S.
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| · Of this Earthly City. The Church and the Convent of San Augustin in Tunja MARTÍNEZ MARTÍN, ABEL FERNANDO; OTÁLORA CASCANTE, ANDRÉS RICARDO
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| · Bodies in Sin of the Purgatory's Souls BOTELLO GIL, SLENKA LEANDRA
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| · Differentiated and Practiced Spaces Through Five Inmaculist Images: Santafé de Bogotá, 17 th and 18 th Centuries LEAL DEL CASTILLO, MARÍA DEL ROSARIO
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| · Visual stories in Times of Crisis: Cultural Transfers and PoliticalAppropriations in the Festive Chronicles SALAZAR BAENA, VERÓNICA
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| · People of African Descent in the New Spain Mining Economy: Relegated or Unknown? The Pachuca-Real del Monte District in the Second half of the 18 th Century NAVARRETE GÓMEZ, DAVID
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| · The First Years of the Encomienda of the Indians of the Valley of Copiapó through Santillán s Visit to the Kingdom of Chile in 1558 CORTÉS LARRAVIDE, ENRIQUE ALBERTO
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| · Notes for the History of Carriages and the Other Representative Vehicles in the New Granada Viceroyalty RECIO MIR, ALVARO
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| · Inserting Orphans of Spanish Descent into Lima Society through Dowries form Santa Cruz School in the 17 th Century RIVASPLATA VARILLAS, PAULA ERMILA
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| · An Impossible Borderline? Spanish-Portuguese Conflicts in South America and the Expedition to Rio Grande de San Pedro (1773) CHERUBINI, MARÍA BELÉN
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| · The Meat Food During 16 th and 17 th Centuries in Guayascate, Córdoba, Argentina GRANA, ROMINA; LÓPEZ, LAURA
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| · Food Consumption at the Colegio and Universidad Santo Tomás de Aquino, 1733-1755 SÁNCHEZ CORAL, RAMIRO ALONSO
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| · Economic and Political Difficulties of the Seminar School in Santa Marta City by the End of the 18 th Century REY SINNING, EDGAR
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Reviews |
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| · Esclavos e indígenas realistas en la Era de la Revolución. Reforma, revolución y realismo en los Andes septentrionales, 1780-1825 BONILLA AYALA, JUAN SEBASTIÁN
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| · Entre Colonia y República: fiscalidad en Ecuador, Colombia y Venezuela, 1780-1845 TORRES GÜIZA, JOHAN SEBASTIÁN
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| · Gente ociosa y malentretenida. Trabajo y pereza en Santafé de Bogotá, siglo XVIII PACHECO RODRÍGUEZ, ANGIE TATIANA
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