Presentation |
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| · Presentación GÁMEZ CASADO, MANUEL
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Special section |
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| · Streets and Houses of Santa María de la Antigua del Darién QUINTERO AGAMEZ, CAROLINA; SARCINA, ALBERTO
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| · Imperial Frustrations in the Western Caribbean Stretch: Robert Hodgson and The Nuevo Reino de Granada Viceroyalty at the End of the 18 th Century VIDAL ORTEGA, ANTONINO; ROMÁN ROMERO, RAÚL
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| · From Nuevo Reino de Granada to Nueva España. The Professional Decline of the Engineer Lorenzo de Solís NIETO MÁRQUEZ, MIGUEL ÁNGEL
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| · The Battery of San Francisco de Paula on Plaza de San Juan, Puerto Rico: Analysis of its typology, 18 th and 19 th centuries HINAREJOS MARTÍN, NURIA
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| · The Hispanic Capuchins and their American Missions during the First Half of the 17 th Century HERNÁNDEZ SOTELO, ANEL
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General section |
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| · From a "Happy Revolution" to a "Criminal Revolution". The Concept of Revolution in the Press of Lima and Buenos Aires in Times of Political Legitimacy (1810-1816) MORAN, DANIEL; CARCELÉN, CARLOS
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| · Frontier Posts, Guards, Small Forts and Forts of the Late-Colonial River Plate Border: Between Polysemy and Military Deficiencies AGUIRRE, ARNALDO ANDRÉS; IRAOLA, EDUARDO
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| · Ecclesiastical Credit and Loan System of the Cathedral of Popayán, 1632-1790 ABADÍA QUINTERO, CAROLINA
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| · The System of Intendencies and the Government of the Treasuries in the Nuevo Reino de Granada. An Institutional Approach PINTO BERNAL, JOSÉ JOAQUÍN
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| · Cleansing the Sin: the Legitimation of Francisco Ortiz, Natural Son, in Cundinamarca during the Second Half of the 16 th Century ACOSTA PARSONS, DIANA CATALINA
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| · "The Idols Keep Walking" Re Reading of Two Extirpation Processes of Idolatries in the Southwest of the Province of Tunja (1595) ALVAREZ TOBOS, MARTÍN ERNESTO
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| · Exchange of Knowledge and Encounters between Indigenous and Spanish Medical Practices during the First Century of Spanish Conquest in Chile LAPIERRE, MICHELLE; GLOEL, MATTHIAS
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| · Trading and Smuggling of New-Granadan Emeralds in Southern Italy: Jewellery and Symbologies in the Modern Age NICOLO, FRANCESCO DE; VARGAS, LAURA LILIANA
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Reviews |
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| · Voces conventuales: escritura y autoría femenina en Hispanoamérica (siglos XVII- XVIII) GUERRERO RAMÍREZ, JIMENA
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| · Estrategia y propaganda. Arquitectura militar en el Caribe (1689-1748) GALINDO-DÍAZ, JORGE
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| · Parientes, criados y allegados: los vínculos personales en el mundo virreinal peruano DAZA VILLAR, VLADIMIR
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| · Entre Colonia y República. Fiscalidad en Ecuador, Colombia y Venezuela, 1780-1845 RIAÑO JURADO, CRISTHIAN SEBASTIÁN
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| · El repartimiento de Tenerife (1493-1569) GUTIÉRREZ DE ARMAS, JUDIT
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