Presentation |
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| · Presentación Bonil Gómez, Katherine; Chaves, María Eugenia; Pérez, Ana
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Special section |
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| · The Palenque of Limón through the Voice of a Maroon, Province of Cartagena (17 th Century) Navarrete, María Cristina
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| · The Uprising of the African Diaspora in the Gold Mines of Antioquia and the Creation of the Palenque del Nechí (1580-1648) Vargas Arana, Paola
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| · Women in the Geographies of Marronage - Territorial Intimacy as a Freedom Strategy: The Case of María de Los Santos and Her Bonga Zavala Guillen, Ana Laura
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| · From La Guaira to Nueva España: Juan Nepomuceno and Blasphemy as a Freedom Strategy (1755-1796) Guerrero-Mosquera, Andrea
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| · “Servile Freedom”: Juridical Uncertainty and Legal Creativity on the Road to Emancipation (1789-1824) Pérez Morales, Edgardo
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| · “Hasta que Fue Menester Apelar al Juzgado de Su Merced”: The Legal Culture of Litigant Slaves in the Viceroyalty of the Nuevo Reino de Granada (1789-1809) Mora Idárraga, Heidy Katherine
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| · Freedom Rumors during the Insurrection of the Comuneros in the Province of Antioquia (1781-1782) Jiménez Ospina, Laura
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| · Slave Resistances and Manumissions in New Granada during Gradual Abolitionism (1819-1849) Cuevas, María Fernanda
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General section |
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| · The Portoviejo’s Cabildo on the Establishment of the Republic of Colombia (1821-1822) Cabrera, Santiago Hanna
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| · Dynamics of Name Creation and Use: Jesuit Missions and Indigenous Groups (Pampa Region, 18 th Century) Vollweiler, Sabrina
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| · “For the Record when It’s Appropriate”: The Material Culture of Antonio Caballero y Góngora through His First Inventories, 1776-1777 Pascacio Guillén, Bertha
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| · The Relational Approach and the Analysis of Social Networks in Historical Studies and Colonial Historiography. The Case of the Nuevo Reino de Granada González-Lopera, Tatiana
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| · The Tithes from the Carioca and Bahian Customs in the Second Half of the 18th and Early 19th Centuries: An Comparison Fernandes, Valter Lenine; Pesavento, Fábio
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Reviews |
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| · Comunicación e imperio. Proyectos y reformas del correo en Cartagena de Indias (1707-1777) Gámez Casado, Manuel
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| · Freedom’s Captives. Slavery and Gradual Emancipation on the Colombian Black Pacific De Moya-Guerra, Laura
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| · Coerciones intricadas. Trabajo africano e indígena en Charcas, siglos XVI y XVII Barrero Camacho, Andrea
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| · Ingeniería militar en el Nuevo Reino de Granada. Defensa, poder y sociedad en el Caribe sur (1739-1811) Avilán Caldas, Alejandra
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| · Conquista y colonización en Oaxaca. El juicio de residencia de Juan Peláez de Berrio (1531-1534) Güereca Durán, Raquel Eréndira
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